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50+ results for@cobnut #no-category
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Oct '16
@makaijohn9 this is a 3D printing forum. You might get better answers from a programming/coding based board somewhere… Perhaps your first course should...
Sep '16
Hi @Jory , I wouldn't want a textured bed as I'd never be able to get that perfect smooth finish you can get from glass. If someone wants, say, a contr...
Jan '19
Hi @fits yes, Meshmixer can do it (it's kinda in the name!), though personally I find its interface a little awkward to use. If all you want to do is c...
Jul '17
Hi Emma, like you, I hate that my failed prints and other waste just goes into landfill, but I think trying to do anything on a large scale can be tric...
May '17
Hi @MarkRausa to be honest, you're asking a lot for a total budget of £3k, so I'd be inclined (for now) to split the problem down into what you need to...
Aug '18
Can we have a link from the Talk section back to "My Orders", etc.? I used to switch between Talk and my Hub details/orders all the time, now there doe...
Aug '18
@AnniKarhu quick tip - if you don't want to annoy your viewers, don't start a video with a loud noise when they may not have had a chance to adjust the...
Aug '18
Hi @Boelle you need the number of reviews you have that make up the current score of 4.88. Once you have that, the equation is: (4.88 + 5x)/(y + x) = 4...
May '18
I'm seriously looking at adding a CR-10S to my printers, but I'm torn between the 300mm version and the 400mm. The 300mm is bigger than my current opti...
Mar '18
I'm looking for an alternative to ABS as I hate using that stuff, and DURA appears to tick most of the boxes. Has anyone any experience using it they'd...
Mar '17
I've just noticed that the presentation of materials on the order page has changed. Instead of "General Purpose Plastics" (if my memory is correct), th...
Dec '17
Hi @en3DStudios_com , as @keebie81 said, it's probably easiest if you do your own calculations based upon your slicer report. Simplify3D reports a cm3...
Nov '16
Hi @ajruger the new printer guide is great, but to be honest it's probably not going to stop you going in circles. All the machines listed there (and t...
Oct '16
Hi @vomelkojr having a storefront could be a good idea - I imagine it'd be quite a draw to have an active printer in the window, so few people have eve...
Nov '17
Hi @Hielkio I'd second @wirlybird 's recommendation for the Prusa, I've had a Mk2 for a year now printing virtually every day and it's a good reliable...
Nov '17
Hi @jstanton to dual print you'll need to have two separate models that make up the single object you want to print so (as an absurdly simple example),...
Oct '17
Hi @ddman114 it's very difficult to provide any help without some more details of what you've done to try and fix the problem yourself. From the photos...
Nov '17
SD card (or WiFi loading of the code) every time. It only took one time when I accidentally shut down a PC that was controlling an 8-hour print to conv...
Oct '17
Hi @GONO3D as others have said, I'd look at your temperature and cooling initially. PLA nozzle temps can vary quite a lot from manufacturer to manufact...
Oct '17
Hi @Backstabbin that's a Zortrax M200 or M300. The print bed was a clue… Jon
Mar '17
Do you not get SMS messages as well, or are you mainly referring to the website needing some sort of banner across the top that says "New Order!!"? I d...
Oct '17
Hi @AGPrototypes can't fault mine, it's a very well produced piece of kit, you can clearly see how you get what you pay for. The front panel interface...
Sep '17
Hi @jemo OK, here's my thoughts, though I'm not sure they'll help. My #1 most painful problem right now is order numbers. Nothing to do with the machin...
Sep '17
Hi @eviglotti one of the most popular products for sealing 3D prints is this stuff, XTC-3D: Smooth-On, I...
Sep '17
Hi @jhcs_mike I won't down vote your comment because it's clearly heartfelt and from someone that knows what they're talking about, however, I will mak...
Jun '17
Hi @Johnnyo1012 I fitted a glass bed to my Pro after only a couple of weeks as I was unhappy with the blue "mat" that comes with the machine. I removed...
May '17
@wirlybird have you actually asked Support to look into it?
Aug '17
Hi @starrven0m the only time this has happened to me in the past was when I'd mistakenly left the setting to "stop printing at height (NN)mm", I know y...
Jul '17
Hi @emiliovavarella I have a whole box of failed/inaccurate prints. Most of them are not "interesting" as they were discarded for minor reasons rather...
Aug '17
Hi @RyanFedtronix SLA is probably the best bet for tiny parts, I've done some incredibly small pieces for customers.
Jul '17
Hi @Santanu_Das it's certainly possible to print objects with parts embedded within them - I'm doing one right now - although a lot depends on what the...
Jun '17
Hi @Shizen 3DHubs already does this, that's how the order process flows. Material (and colour) is one of the last steps of the order process before rev...
Jun '17
Hi @1979stchristoph I use Rigid Ink all the time, their filaments are fantastic and they're nice folk. Jon
Jul '17
Yep, seeing it here down in the SW, dried up terribly. Maybe it's the holiday season, but it seems more than that…
Jul '17
Hi @Johnnyo1012 not all "painters tape" is ideal for 3D print beds. I (and many others) recommend Scotch (3M) branded blue tape over any others and I'v...
Jun '17
Hi @Darius_Curt a while back I kept getting orders from a guy of a very similar fashion. They were models of some geological formation, like yours huge...
Mar '17
Not me, maybe you're just the one they want Chris…

Jun '17
Hi @Brian_50 it can be very difficult, almost impossible for FDM printing to produce a truly watertight object. Although the surfaces may look solid/se...
Jun '17
Hi @SNARK I would think you'll probably need to print them in SLA rather than FDM to achieve the precision and detail of the braille, this would also g...
Jun '17
Hi @cyph3r not sure if these are the sort of things you're looking for but: Sculptris (free)
Jun '17
Hi @tiffanyestrella how many of these are you looking to produce? Bear in mind that 3D printing becomes increasingly less cost effective as unit number...
Jun '17
Hi @NelsonStacy I would have thought that it'd be a lot easier and probably cheaper to simply buy a dressmakers mannequin, they're made for that purpos...
Apr '17
Hi @ProtoArt I raised this issue with support some time ago and it appears to be just a wording issue. The warning is intended to be only about VAT inv...
Jun '17
Hi @Galactic3D I can't see anything obviously wrong with your Hub, I think you just need to be patient, it takes time for a new Hub to move up through...
May '17
What about Zortrax? I've not used their printers but I understand their support removal is supposed to be pretty good, and they're fully enclosed so sh...
May '17
It happens and it's not really a good idea to force a review. Reviews and their ratings are only useful if they're given freely and without influence;...
May '17
Woah! Those are some big printers! Do you mind me asking what sort of things you print at those sizes?
Mar '17
Hey @PepCo_Parker I think I know what you're talking about. For my Hub it's even worse, my two materials shown in the Hub listing are PLA and Rigid Ink...
Jan '17
Indeed, it's common to keep such algorithms secret to avoid gaming, so don't expect a detailed answer any time soon. However, as @3DFlying said, it's c...
May '17
Hi @fingers888 I use PEI on both my FF Pro and my Prusa i3 Mk2 and have been very pleased with their adhesion. Downsides are that they can be too stick...