I have a Flashforge Creator Pro. I downloaded two files that supposedly allow printing using both extruders, but there is no explanation of how to do that. I can only load one of the files at a time. Any suggestions?
Hi @jstanton to dual print you’ll need to have two separate models that make up the single object you want to print so (as an absurdly simple example), if you wanted a 10cm cube with the top half black and the bottom white, you’d need two models, 10cm x 10cm x 5cm where one is positioned on top of the other and would then specify each to be printed in the appropriate colour. What slicer are you using? Some have wizards that make dual-colour printing (a little) easier to get to grips with.
I have to say, I’ve never had much luck getting decent dual-colour prints from my Pro, even with an ooze shield, the oozing from the unused nozzle just makes the whole thing too messy. Mind you, I haven’t tried that hard so it’s possible there are tricks that’ll make it better.
What slicer are you using?
I would dump that and get Flashprint to start with. You’ll have much better luck. Also there are some guides on the Simplify3D website that may help.