happy to help. i am located in the netherlands and can supply invoices (although my page doesn’;t state so, still working with 3dhubs on that)… have 5 printers but can scale up to as many as needed.
Hi @tiffanyestrella how many of these are you looking to produce? Bear in mind that 3D printing becomes increasingly less cost effective as unit numbers increase. If you’re looking to produce very many of these, you may do better to look at other technologies such as injection moulding.
About 1000-5000 depending on price. Yeah printing on my own now and need a more efficient way. Where should I go to find injection moulding?
Can you provide an email for me so I can contact you? Or should I contact you through the website
Hi @tiffanyestrella I’ll let @KorneelB make his own reply, but I’m pretty certain he’ll say that for over 1000 pieces, 3D printing is highly unlikely to be an efficient production method.
Can’t really help with injection moulding services. Have you tried a Google search? Whereabouts are you?
you can contact me through 3dhubs as an enquiry… or just use my first name @ first name .nl …
in the end it all depends on the size…
if I can fit 20 on the build plate, 8 hours per print, 5 printers, it can be done in 3 days… that’s efficient…
I would need to see the size of the prints and the printing time and settings before I can say something about that… for some prints injection molding pays off at 100 pieces, other times it’s 50K pieces…
3d printing would however be a lot quicker and allows for faster changes…
send me the files at korneel at korneel dot nl but preferably a direct inquiry through 3d hubs and i can see if it’s feasible
Depends on quantity. If your looking for a couple hundred or less, I’d be happy to discuss further (https://www.3dhubs.com/service/MindFuLL). Larger quantities are not really practical or cost efficient for 3d printing.
I’m actually a little confused.
When you say your current cost is $3, what exactly are you talking about? Are you saying that’s what you spend on material to print on your own printer? If so, that’s not comparable to hiring someone.
Alternatively, if you’re really paying someone $3 for these dual extrusion prints as pictured, I would love to contract out some work to this miracle worker.
Have you actually produced one of these? I’m skeptical because the picture you posted is from the thingiverse page where you got this design.
And is it licensed to mass produce which makes the assumption to sell?
Definitely, it will depend upon the quantity. If the quantity is small, then it is difficult to produce the product in $3.