I am working on creating in ear monitor shell prototypes and looking for advice for a CAD programm that facilitate organic forms design. Anyone with advice?
Jun '17last reply
Jun '17- 4
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I am working on creating in ear monitor shell prototypes and looking for advice for a CAD programm that facilitate organic forms design. Anyone with advice?
Hi @cyph3r not sure if these are the sort of things you’re looking for but:
Sculptris (free)
Zbrush (paid - from $149 to $795 depending on which version)
Mudbox (paid subscription - $10 per month)
Meshmixer (free)
Fusion 360 (paid subscription - $25 per month)
Of these, you might find Fusion 360 the most useful if your model requires some non-organic elements, the others are much more “artistic” based and may not offer the sort of controls and constraints you’d need.
I second Fusion360; the sculpting tools they include are not as robust as Z-brush or Mudbox, but I think overall it’s a better package if you want to do any mechanical CAD work along with the more organic forms.
thanks a lot I am currently start trying out Fusion 360…
I tried sculptris but find it not very useful for 3D printing focussed design.
thanks for tip I tried Fusion 360 and its really a great tool. Just what I am looking for!