Do you not get SMS messages as well, or are you mainly referring to the website needing some sort of banner across the top that says “New Order!!”?
I don’t really feel the need for this; email and SMS is enough for me, and I tend to cast an eye over the order number figure at the top every now and again as well. In fact, the SMS’s used to drive me mad. In my last house there was zero phone signal, so every time I left the house and hit a coverage area I’d be bombarded by SMS notifications of new orders and would have to cross check to see if they were old or new…
I don’t need a “banner” but when you log in it would be good at the top right of the web page where it says “My Orders” and shows your pic to have something to indicate activity. When I did the Marvin test it did just that but nothing since.
I got one email and no SMS for two hits last week so obviously the email and especially the SMS is not reliable. I didn’t know about the first order until the email on the second one and I went and looked at the dashboard.
Arnoldas, I would Love to see to some sort of Arduino Machine that would allow us to receive notifications, I am one of the weird ones who only carries a flip phone so I can receive 3d hubs notifications, and no real(modern)cell phone. but I would really like a Go to action Warning Bell/star wars theme song played or something. I think there would be a way to dedicate say my flip phone to an arduino app but it is way over my head at this point. I volunteer to design the enclosure if someone could help with the hardest part the hardware design, and programming…but you know how the youtubers have the counters I think it would be very cool to have a customer notification arduino machine. Thank You very much.
just a note not a concern…I do receive my sms text message sometimes a full minute or two before I receive my gmail email. Thank You very much.