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Oct 2017

Hi all !

I have a problem with my printer and I’m not able to find a solution…Printing at 100µm, tempreature 210c, Red PLA, speed 45mm/s, original Mk2.

See attached pictures.

1st print is OK, 2nd print the cylinders are under extruded from the middle and 3rd print from the beginning.

What’s happen ?? Why only the cyclinders become under extruded ?

Thanks all !


  • created

    Oct '17
  • last reply

    Oct '17
  • 8


  • 1.2k


  • 5



My guess would be that your 1st print was started when your machine had a cold startup.

Your 2nd print was done without cooling your machine down for a few hours.

Your 3rd print was done immediately after the 2nd print.

Basically, you are printing too hot.

After several prints without shutting down your machine, things tend to get slightly warmer.

Printing small towers, like what you have in your design are somewhat difficult if the PLA is too warm or running

at too high of a temperature.

I see exactly what you have when my cooling fans are not set up properly or

If I run parts back to back without cooling down the printer.

Just my 2 cents worth

I have limited experience with PLA.

I usually print with ABS, nGen or PCTPE nylon.

I believe you really only have a temperature control issue.

I think the problem could be the brand of filament you are using. Did you take the cylinder test? You should try this and see whether the operating temperature is appropriate or not.

If you are still not fully acquainted, better get a technician to assist you.

Hi all and thanks for your advises. I’m only printing the bottom of the part at 45 and after for the details the speed is 25mm. The problem is really the temperature. The head was too hot. 205c is ok. But I have tried the cold start up without changing anything and it works great…I’m a little muddled! Thank you all! David