Hi, does kapton tape stick on a heated bed? I found regular painters tape comes up and causes parts to warp when the bed heats. It doesn’t stick down and stay. Does kapton tape stay down when the bed is heated?
I have used kapton up to around 100C with no problems. Use a credit card to apply onto your surface, smoothing out the bubbles.
Jack - 3D Hubs
Hi @Johnnyo1012 not all “painters tape” is ideal for 3D print beds. I (and many others) recommend Scotch (3M) branded blue tape over any others and I’ve never had any problems with that sticking either to glass or PEI, in fact it can be quite stubborn to remove. Always apply the tape when the bed is already heated (or at least as hot as you can stand it without burning yourself!) to minimise gaps between the strips from expansion and avoid losing adhesion from that expansion.
Kapton tape sticks just fine to a heated bed, but it’s more expensive than blue tape, so I’d look at getting the “right stuff” before you give up on the blue tape entirely.
Thanks, where do you get the 3M blue tape or kapton?
Will this work- 3M Scotch 2090 Blue Painters Tape: 1 in. x 60 yds. (Blue) Amazon.com