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Jan 2017

All things being equal within a hub ranking, number or materials, etc., I agree with you completely.

Even giving a new hub a little push when that is not the case, for awhile, seems like a good idea.

This is not the case.

Not being argumentative, but your post proceeds from a false premise based on my research.

OF COURSE, a hub that has done over 100 prints, has a 5.0 rating rave reviews, offers the most materials, and has comparable pricing should at some point get to number one in a search, in a general market area. This is not the case. I have watched it happen in several key markets in the US. Some hubs way outperform other hubs, and NEVER get to #1. It just does not happen.

If I could ask for just one clue on ranking, it would be on pricing. How does that affect ranking?

But the fact is, if you read my first post, 3dhubs support can’t really even look at the results of any rankings and say “oh, thats why…” which leads me to believe it doesn’t really work at all.

Number of prints is a bad factor for ranking, if the spread is not big enough, because it becomes a self fullfilling prophecy. Pricing is a bad factor for ranking, because it probably breaks US law. So what metrics are left.

Weighted location, reviews, etc.

IN fact, number of cancellations is a bad ranking item. I go out and attract extra attention to 3dhubs. I advertise my hub in google. I put posters up for the discounts in 2 universities. I get more unprintables as a result. I am doing a good job for 3dhubs, thing many other hubs will not do. This attracts a higher number of prints that wont work out, people who ask for bigger discounts, etc. I also have a good rep. So I get more complicated prints. I push ALL of my business through 3dhubs, its on my business cards, etc. I communicate strongly with customers about what to expect from their prints, what will look bad, etc. Because of all of this, of course I get more cancellations than the average hub. This should not hurt my ranking.

I wish they would just admit they don’t have a handle on ranking, and it does not work as well as they would like. Saying its a trade secret is a dodge. Saying they wont say how it works is fair. But listing things like print times, response times, number of materials, etc, and leading a quality hub to believe they can get to number one by killing themselves, when it might never happen comes off as very misleading.

For example, they recently said that they do location ranking by straight lines, instead of using the google mapping API, this was a smart move. They explained the resources were just not there, and it takes too much time. Traveling Salesman Problem, very computing intensive. This was a good, honest answer, and I felt good about them for saying it. They obviously cant come straight out and say their ranking does not work, because it is core to their marketing. But it does not work well, and they know it.

Adding again, I think 3dhubs does a heck of a good job. I have sent several support requests to them, they answer immediately. They do a pretty good job of handling a double market business. (2 sets of customer bases). That’s a hard job, and they do a good job at it. They are a pretty amazing company, and their software over all is pretty impressive. I am critical of the ranking, that is my only complaint. So I always jump into the ranking threads with a fury, especially when their answer is always the same- “trade secret”. I come off as more critical of 3dhubs than I really am, because these threads pop up about once a week.

What is even more interesting is the following:

You can see that all these hubs they offer postage.

If you click apart from the recommended, also the shipping button then the list changes dramatically. And no the first one hasn’t got the cheapest shipping either.

Regarding the comments that 3DHUBS they keep secret the “algorithm” about how the recommended hubs are sorted because hubs can manipulate that I have to say: no you cannot manipulate it. You cannot manipulate how many orders have you done, you cannot manipulate your feedback, you cannot manipulate if you have done them in time, you cannot manipulate how fast you reply to the customers. The only things that you can change are your prices and your materials. So I do not understand the secrecy.

Hey guys,

we certainly keep the details of our ranking system secret to avoid gaming (yes, there are metrics that could be intentionally inflated), but I can give you some more insights here.

We do not promote more expensive Hubs and we do not look at your activity on Talk. What is true is that we give a minor boost to new Hubs to give them a chance to get their first orders.

There is a ranking algorithm behind the scenes which takes in many inputs. Although we know exactly how it works, it is hard to tell you a reason why you are not ranked at the top. For that we would need to see all the metrics for you and your competition and their recent movement. We don’t have these tools yet, but we are currently working on that.

Hopefully I will have an exciting update related to this in the upcoming weeks. Building tools for you to be able to see in which areas you can improve to rank higher is now our top priority.

3D Hubs

2 months later


in the last 3 months my hub ranking fall down in the recommended hubs list from the first or second to the nineteenth rank. I dont know why, but that`s frustrating. Maybe you can help me?



2 months later

Just add a lowest price section , I mean, did you really think a new customer will loose time to give a chance to a farest, newest, with less material and less reviews(quality) Hub ?? I think customer will just have his object fast and at a good price with the material he wants. If I try to find my Hub , even if I type my own country I’m only on the third page !!

Your “let a hub a chance” is just stoping Hubs that just begin having orders because “recommended” is the default section, the customer thinks it is better for him to choose recomended Hubs, but it isn’t , it is only good for the Hub .

Some Hubs (not me ^^ ) try to get their profile as atractive as possible , spending time in photos and explenation, all this work for nothing, cause every day a new Hub opens, and I will never hit the 1.

You should change the name from “recomended” to “new hub” cause that’s the truth.
