Hey everyone! I’ve got great news! 3D Hubs is having a live stream session straight from our 3D Printing Lab in Amsterdam HQ! If you’re curious about what we do or if you have accumulated 3D Printing questions, come meet us at 4pm tomorrow ! I, @victorp, 3D Printing expert, together with @telma …
Ha Hubbers, Let me introduce to you the new mayor of Den Bosch! [mayorchange-01.png] Zoals velen van jullie weten ben ik in blijde verwachting van mijn eerste kind, eind januari. Om die reden hebben mijn man en ik besloten om terug te verhuizen naar onze roots: Delft. Sinds 1 december wonen we w…
Bonjour à tous, Il y’a dix jours nous avons eu le plaisir de nous retrouver au Mutualab, à Lille, un espace dédié au coworking doté également d’un maker space. Ce meetup était consacré à la discussion autour des nouveaux filaments ColorFabb (bamboofill, copperfill, XT, XT-CF20). Du Hub expérimenté …
Hello everybody ! We just launched our first event in Egypt about 3d printing and it’s of course with the help of 3D printing! I hope you can join us and print with yourself your 3d design and if you have any questions please fell free to ask. its on the 17th December in Zagazig University, for mo…
Hi, I will come from Brussels, if someone wants to join me, I will leave Brussels around 16h15 with my car. Cheers Gauthier
Hey guys, a couple of minutes ago a mystery package from @ColorFabb arrived at my door. Since I hadn’t ordered anything, I was very curious about its contents. And after a close inspection it turned out that this was a kit sent out to me in preparation for the Global 3D Printing Day on Thursday! […
[sddefault.jpg] Hello Hubbers, I am looking for hub-owners from @DenBosch, @Eindhoven en @Arnhem (Nijmegen), who want to participate with their 3D-printers at an event with a “makerspace” kinda setting on the 9th of december at DomeX in Oss. The event takes place from 12:00 untill 21:00 hr. Why s…
We’ve all been there: you want to buy a 3D printer, but there’s a plethora of options out there, with different variations in price, build volume, printing time and so on. Most of you here on Talk must’ve noticed by now the frequency of posts coming from people who try to decide among various printe…
After just over a year from getting my UM2 and joining 3D Hubs I have to say it’s been a brilliant journey. From an expert 3D modeller but amateur printer, I have learnt everything I need to learn through a whole array of orders from scientific experiment equipment to prototypes to toys to very intr…
This week we announced our hosting the biggest celebration in 3D printing: the Global 3D Printing Day. We don’t want to blow our own trumpet, but we’re about to make history here, peeps
For this, we invite you, our Hubs, to open your doors this December 3rd for a few hours to fellow makers. This i…
The LAMPZ collection - a series of individually unique decorative lampshades to make your space cozy and warm. Lampshades fit standard IKEA lamp bases. Please use LED lightbulbs! Find all of our incredible lampshades HERE Download one of our lampshades for FREE from our Trial Gallery [lampz retr…
Hello fellow Hubs, In order to better support Hubs we’re developing a range of very handy Powertools. These Powertools are especially designed to help you steadily grow your 3D printing business. As you level-up as a Hub, more Powertools become available. This post is about a particular Powertool a…
[Scannerparty (1).png] On November 25th at 20:00 we will be organizing a scanner party at the FabLab. Naturally we will have a demo of the 3D scaner we have at the fablab but we would like to see what else is out there. Do you know someone with a scanner, experience (good or bad) scanning somethi…
We are hosting a free design show in Old Street on the 19th of November. The show will start at 12:00 and finish at around 20:00 with the opportunity to come and go as you please throughout the day. There will be various talks by leading design professionals from architecture to product design and…
Lately I have been working on a new camera mount for Kennesaw States Construction Management’s DJI Inspire 1 drone. The camera has the ability to film and shoot in 3d. Because it is impossible to find real parts for these drones I first model the camera mount plate for the drone, this allows me to a…
Any 3D printing enthusiast will tell you that creating a high quality 3D printed object is part art and part science. Even the most accomplished 3D printing expert has had their share of failed prints because there are many factors to juggle. The design of the object itself may pose challenges. In a…
3D printing has already become part of our lives and it continues to transform the world. We created this infographic to show the latest developments and innovations in 3D printing and hope that you enjoy it. [uk-infographic-image.gif]
[3d hubs picks_2.png] It’s finally #BackToTheFuture Day! October 21st 2015 has arrived. The exact day Marty McFly and Doc Brown travelled to Hill Valley in Back To The Future. Many predictions were right - wireless video games, 3D movies, tablets, video conferences, virtual reality etc. Unfortunat…
I had grand plans for my first 3D print. My 7-year old step-son is obsessed with the dragons, so I nonchalantly googled ‘3d print dragons’, with the idea that I could get inspiration and print one of my own. Needless to say that google images displayed amazing 3D printed dragons. Whilst the soul was…
Hi there everyone! I recently completed my first hand as a part of 3D Hubs’ partnering with E-Nable to print the newly revised Experiment v5 hand. [E-nable web.jpg] ^ This hand is actually going to a training workshop to teach people how to assemble the hands and then will be donated to charity. …
Wow, there were 7760 visitors of the #3dprintfacade website during the competition! Which led to 49 entries from 12 different countries. We were pleasantly surprised by all the variety of unique designs we received. The winner of the jury price is: [winner1_0.jpg] CANALWALL by Henry den Ouden. …
Hello fellow Hubs, Last year we made the first 3D Printer Buyers Guide. Thanks to all your support the guide became a huge success. We were able to collect responses from a whopping 2,279 Hubs (the platform back then counted only 9,000 Hubs) and the guide could be considered a “gold standard” in th…
Bonjour à tous, ça à l’air d’être la première discussion à Marseille, alors commençons par les présentations. Je m’appelle Thomas, j’habite la région d’Aix Marseille et propriétaire d’une imprimante Vertex K8400 que j’utilise principalement pour mes projets personnels d’aéromodélisme. Cependant je…
HI everyone ! As 3D Hubs’ partner since the early days, at 3D Slash we thaugh it would be cool to share some news. 3D Slash is encouraging initiatives that bring 3D printing technologies to kids. So next week we will be thrilled to launch the first one week long workshop in Paris for K10+ kids! Th…
Here it is; ever since I’ve assembled my Turnigy Fabricator I have printed quite a few Marvins. I was mostly giving those away so I was choosing the settings that took the least amount of time, but now it was time to make one as a test order. So here it is: I’ve managed to print one in 20 micron l…
A week or so ago saw my first adventure in producing and presenting a webinar as part of my role as an Education Ambassador with the CREATE Education Project run by Ultimaker GB. I’m pleased to say that my first foray into this way of sharing learning went very well and we have had some great feedb…
Here are the penguins designed by Taku Satoh, a famous Japan designer. The 3D modeler, Atom3DP is a big fan of this designer so he decided to build in 3D these models and traveled with them. He used ATOM 2.0 3D printer to print them without support. Hope you like them too
You can download the 3D f…
Bonjour à tous! Le plus grand salon dédié à l’impression 3D retrouvera la capitale française les vendredi 16 et samedi 17 octobre prochain. Au sein du Carrousel du Louvre, le 3D Printshow sera l’occasion de découvrir pendant 2 jours les derniers développements de cette révolution en marche ainsi qu…
Hi, I just wanted to share my self designed and build reprap with the community! Driven by a RAMPS 1.4, self made extruder and an E3D hotend. Works like a charm! Printing quality is top notch! Download the STL files and the parts list from the link. If you want to build one, let me know and I can h…
Hello fellow Hubs, Last week we updated our Hub pricing system, making it a lot more advanced. We’ve already got tons of questions over the weekend so time to do a quick run through. Let me start by putting out a statement; your Hub price has NOT changed. The update allows you to do more advanced …