Hey @Stamperie3d Of course I can help
The community is now created, you can find it here. Please let me know if I can help with anything else. Cheers, Telma
Hey! Thank you @Robin3D for the heads up! Of course I can create a community, it’s now done, you can check it here! Cheers, Telma
Hey Mathias!! Great to see you and your periscope prize! Glad it got there alive! Keep joining
Super! Thanks @Arnoldas! I’ll get in touch now
That’s a great idea! Thank you for the feedback, @victorp and I will suggest it here and we’ll see if it’s possible
Thank you! Cheers Victor & Telma
Woohoo!! Let’s do this!
Hey Nicolò! I’m Telma from 3D Hubs and I think those free workshops are amazing! Please let me know if we can do anything to help at the events. I’ll drop you an email shortly
Mine is: telma@3dhubs.com Cheers, Tellma
Hey! Sorry for the long wait! Your community was just created and you can check it out here!
Happy printing Cheers, Telma
Great event Julie!!
Congrats, I wish i could have attended it !
Hi Manon and Frank! Totally agree with Simona! Welcome Frank
Periscope is under 3D Hubs name and you can find the periscope link on our 3D Hubs twitter account. Next time we’ll be live is on Wednesday from 4pm-5pm! Hope you can join
Hey! Yes, it was at 4pm but no worries! Next week, Wednesday at 4pm we’ll be back! Join us!
Hey! Yesterday we were online at 4pm, but don’t worry, we’ll be back next Wednesday at 4pm! Join us then
Cheers, Telma
Hey! Great that you’re sharing on Talk with the whole community! Let me just add, its on the 17th December in Zagazig University, for more details you can check out the event page!
Amazing event! Thanks Ahmed! Cheers, Telma
Absolutely! Just let me know! You can also email me at telma@3dhubs.com, lets keep in touch
Thanks for sharing, great event!
Hey Gab! Feel free to join me next Wednesday! ahah
Hi @Anton_Sombetzki ! It’s great that you’re joining 3D Hubs event! I will send you an email right now with the discount code ticket for you and for your colleague
Cheers, Telma
Thanks for sharing the event!! People bringing and sharing their scanners can contact us to get their discount code ticket and come in for free!
Join the party!
Really cool graphic!!
Can’t wait for the Dragon!
This is great! Good luck and please share with us some photos after
¡Genial! Cuando usted sabe, nos dice el día, el lugar y el tiempo para hacer un evento en la página web Hubs 3D
Really good!!
It was a great party indeed! Thank you for having me
Wow its amazing!!