3D Hubs is having a live stream session straight from our 3D Printing Lab in Amsterdam HQ!
If you’re curious about what we do or if you have accumulated 3D Printing questions, come meet us at 4pm today!
@victorp, our 3D Printing expert, together with me, from the Community Team, will be showing you our weekly best prints, our amazing fun Lab and we’re excited to meet you!
For today’s Periscope, I can give you a sneak peek of what we’ll talk about: Star Wars Prints!! Really hope you can join!
What: 3D Hubs Lab Live Periscope
When: Today, Thursday at 4pm
Where: Live stream, get the Pericope link on our 3D Hubs Twitter at 4pm! You can sit in your sofa at home!
Why: Because we’d love to meet you
Next periscope will be Wednesday, 16th December at 4pm but don’t worry guys, I’ll remind you closer to the date
From January on, we’ll be live every Thursday from 4pm-5pm! Start accumulating question or just curiosity
For now, find the link for the Periscope on our 3D Hubs Twitter page at 4PM, we’ll be sharing there!
Had to paint inside black and use soft-side of velcro tape as light gaskets. So far, just used it for long exposure light painting tests. Work in progress.
I just have the film rolls that were processed. The tech didn’t think it worked so he didn’t do any prints. I had to point out that the long exposure LED light test kinda worked… at that point I resigned the project to “light painting equip” but haven’t had time to revisit yet.
Periscope is under 3D Hubs name and you can find the periscope link on our 3D Hubs twitter account. Next time we’ll be live is on Wednesday from 4pm-5pm! Hope you can join