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Oct 2015

Hello fellow Hubs,

Last year we made the first 3D Printer Buyers Guide. Thanks to all your support the guide became a huge success. We were able to collect responses from a whopping 2,279 Hubs (the platform back then counted only 9,000 Hubs) and the guide could be considered a “gold standard” in the realm of 3D Printer Buying guides :wink:

As the end of the year is coming near we’re ramping up for the next one and I will need all the help I can get once again. It’s the most amazing opportunity to help new entrants to the community with their decision. Early next week, I’ll start by sending out surveys to you all. But before that, I’d love to gather some input on how to make it even more epic this year!

For the ones who haven’t seen last years edition, or just to refresh your memory, this is what last year’s Guide looks like. We tried to make the guide as user friendly as possible, working with categories ranging from total newbie to full grown expert.

The printers were all rated on different aspects, like ‘print quality’, ‘reliability’, ‘support’, ‘value/cost’ and ‘ease of use’. For every category (we chose for 5 different categories) the weight of the topics was distributed differently, because for example ‘ease of use’ is more important for a ‘Plug-n-Play’ printer than for a Kit/DIY printer - not sure if I’m being clear here :slight_smile:

After collecting the data and written content we created individual pages for each printer, an index with all reviewed printers, and of course the 2015 3D Printer Guide with all the winners per category.

In order to save myself a lot of time and not take another 10 years of my life (last year was quite stressful) my goal is to stick to a similar setup, but I’m very curious to see what your ideas are on this. Really looking forward to some input for improvements.

Let me know!



  • created

    Oct '15
  • last reply

    Jan '16
  • 30


  • 2.7k


  • 19


I bought my machine thanks to last year’s Guide, and I’m more than pleased with it, so I’ll be glad to participate in this one :).

I remember I wanted more and more comments to read about the different models, but otherwise the guide was amazingly useful, as well as beautiful.

Absolutely! a lot of print jobs these days require big printers and it would be very useful to know which ones are the best ones out there.

I also used the hub for purchasing my machine (Zortrax). I think the hardest thing for me was to identify what was most important to me of all the choices.

So so maybe an idea to identify key selling points and award a “best” for that indicator, or a badge

For example:

Dual extrusion


build quality

reliability (build)

reliability (print)



print volume

the only reason id suggest this is I had different requirements that couldn’t be managed by all machines, it was important for me to identify what carried the most weight ultimately.

I’d love to participate in the guide for 2016! There is really only one thing that I miss from the '15: A better outline of the pro’s and con’s.

For example, for the Ultimaker Original it states “noise level” as a downside. I knew about this before I bought one, but it hadn’t hit me from that review, that the extruder would make quite such a raquet. Along with a number of other fixes I have since swapped that extruder for something else and voila. The motion system itself is whisper-quiet.

To make a long story short, I’d prefer a more specific outline of the printer characteristics. Not by much, just a little bit. Like “very loud extruder” instead of “noise level”.

Hi Filemon,

I would add points in the rating for opensource printers.

I would consider inside the value/cost the cost of spare parts. It would be difficult to take in account but IMHO, this is not nothing :wink:


Great point. There a few places I see where hubs can begin to differentiate themselves and one of them is on the size of prints they are able to do.

Very cool; do you need info on the less popular 3D printers that may be worth listing due to attractive features / performance / quality?

I haven’t seen any info in regards to signing up for the survey. Where’s this at? Is it still available? Would love a badge!

I’m a newbie to this world looking for a prototype manufacturing solution. A simple guide outlining all the different printable materials along with their characteristics, (Strength, flexibility, finish, impact resistance, how much definition you can get with it, colours etc…)

Then a simple guide to the different types of 3D printer and how they compare with each other FDM, SLA, SLS.

This could be two simple tables to introduce those of us uninitiated to the whats going on. If this exists already, then I would be delighted to be directed towards it.

By way of background about ourselves, we have been trying to see some sample printed items in various materials to get an idea of form factors, design constraints, colours, costings and materials.

We are making a case for our new electronic device which will be worn on the upper arm on an armband and is circa. the size of a pack of cigarettes.

It needs to be strong enough to resist impact with the ground if a person falls over, be water resistant to keep out melted snow and water from damp clothing.

We are looking at a bright yellow case colour with the logo embossed on the front face.

There will need to be apertures for two LED indicator lights (preferably behind a transparent panel on the case)

There needs to be an on/off switch on the case as well.

Lastly, we are in Central London and Southampton/Bournmouth area.

Best, James

I completed this survey weeks ago, and I have yet to receive a badge for my hub.