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27 / 31
Dec 2015

I completed this survey weeks ago, and I have yet to receive a badge for my hub.

Hi Conor! We’re currently working on the new guide, you’ll receive the badge right after we launch it.

13 days later

We’re doing the final touches and if all goes well, we’ll release it next Tuesday, the 24th. Just keep an eye on your inbox, our Hubs will be the first to hear about it!

15 days later

Hello everyone,

I had already missed the edition of the guide in 2015 and again this year. I would like to know how do to participate and do a review of my 3D printer.

Thank you

8 days later

Hi Boelle! You’re not subscribed to “News” in your notification settings, that’s the reason why you didn’t receive it. If you’d like to receive these email and info about all the campaign we’re doing, I’d suggest you to tick it in on your dashboard:)

25 days later

Hi Piergiorgio,

You were supposed to fill in a survey and rate your printer, back in November. No worries, we’ll reopen it next year too:)

