Hello Filemon, we would be happy to chat with you about what we do.
I’d love to participate in the guide for 2016! There is really only one thing that I miss from the '15: A better outline of the pro’s and con’s.
For example, for the Ultimaker Original it states “noise level” as a downside. I knew about this before I bought one, but it hadn’t hit me from that review, that the extruder would make quite such a raquet. Along with a number of other fixes I have since swapped that extruder for something else and voila. The motion system itself is whisper-quiet.
To make a long story short, I’d prefer a more specific outline of the printer characteristics. Not by much, just a little bit. Like “very loud extruder” instead of “noise level”.
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Hi Filemon,
I would add points in the rating for opensource printers.
I would consider inside the value/cost the cost of spare parts. It would be difficult to take in account but IMHO, this is not nothing
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October 19, 2015, 12:20pm
Great point. There a few places I see where hubs can begin to differentiate themselves and one of them is on the size of prints they are able to do.
Very cool; do you need info on the less popular 3D printers that may be worth listing due to attractive features / performance / quality?
I haven’t seen any info in regards to signing up for the survey. Where’s this at? Is it still available? Would love a badge!
October 20, 2015, 2:41pm
I’m a newbie to this world looking for a prototype manufacturing solution. A simple guide outlining all the different printable materials along with their characteristics, (Strength, flexibility, finish, impact resistance, how much definition you can get with it, colours etc…)
Then a simple guide to the different types of 3D printer and how they compare with each other FDM, SLA, SLS.
This could be two simple tables to introduce those of us uninitiated to the whats going on. If this exists already, then I would be delighted to be directed towards it.
By way of background about ourselves, we have been trying to see some sample printed items in various materials to get an idea of form factors, design constraints, colours, costings and materials.
We are making a case for our new electronic device which will be worn on the upper arm on an armband and is circa. the size of a pack of cigarettes.
It needs to be strong enough to resist impact with the ground if a person falls over, be water resistant to keep out melted snow and water from damp clothing.
We are looking at a bright yellow case colour with the logo embossed on the front face.
There will need to be apertures for two LED indicator lights (preferably behind a transparent panel on the case)
There needs to be an on/off switch on the case as well.
Lastly, we are in Central London and Southampton/Bournmouth area.
Best, James
Cotterpin3D@Gmail.com , please! Its different from my account - won’t post that one publicly.
I didn’t receive any mail either. Is it still possible to contribute?
October 23, 2015, 11:06am
I’ve just emailed you the review links! If this happened to anyone else, just contact me at balazs@3dhubs.com
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Many thanks, all is filled in now
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I completed this survey weeks ago, and I have yet to receive a badge for my hub.
November 2, 2015, 8:32am
Hi Conor! We’re currently working on the new guide, you’ll receive the badge right after we launch it.
November 2, 2015, 11:35pm
Hi, I’m willing to help out no problem
Any idea when the 2016 guide will be released?
November 16, 2015, 11:53am
We’re doing the final touches and if all goes well, we’ll release it next Tuesday, the 24th. Just keep an eye on your inbox, our Hubs will be the first to hear about it!
December 1, 2015, 10:20pm
Hello everyone,
I had already missed the edition of the guide in 2015 and again this year. I would like to know how do to participate and do a review of my 3D printer.
Thank you
December 1, 2015, 10:55pm
I fear you’re too late again
We sent out emails, Social Media and Talk posts. That’s about as much we can do I fear.
Anyway, new guide is here: Best 3D Printer Guide 2023 | Hubs