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Nov '15 - Sailfish can only be installed using repG40r30 or above, available on http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:32084 thingiverse , you can only use the newest...
Nov '15 - Be sure to tram your bed after preheating for a bit. The plastic cantilever arms WILL change shape at printing temps, and your hot end will get longer...
Feb '16 - That's correct regarding the thermocouple. Not only must it be the correct thermocouple it must be electrically isolated from the heater block. Most so...
Nov '15 - Start with the plug in the wall. Is that plugged in? Is it plugged into the back of they bot? Is the connection from the switch to the power supply tig...
Nov '15 - The new versions of makerware are becoming more and more hostile to non mbi bots. Mbi has buried settings drop inside python files. If you don't have a...
Apr '15 - That's pretty normal. These bots are very susceptible to EMI, and that is a symptom. If you are running Sailfish, you can press the right button, which...
Feb '16 - And you dont have a rep2, your CTC is a rep1 clone. No matter what CTC tells you. You MUST use replicator dual profiles everywhere. Also, and I can't p...
Dec '15 - You must use the gpx plug in for octoprint. Yes, it works.
Mar '15 - It's nice to see a manufacture here, giving advice on how to get good prints. Any advice on how to get warranty service from sellers, who claimed to be...
Oct '15 - Rep 1 and ALL clones use 17t. Rep2 uses 18t pulley. But that's the drive side, idler doesn't matter.
Jan '16 - Also point a fan at your print. You can install a gcode controlled fan, https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!starred/wanhao-printer-3d/lnNsbRH%5C_xZM Re...
Feb '16 - This is wrong information. You have the 1280 processor. You must download the repg from thingiverse repGr33. It is the only thing that will work. Using...
Feb '16 - Is it 5mm or is your 6%? If you select a replicator 2 you will see the 6% error as it has one more tooth on its drive gears. Make sure you have replica...
Feb '16 - I believe this is simple bed prep. The gap between the nozzle and bed is either to large or the bed surface needs to be prepped for better adhesion. I...
Feb '16 - This is a very dangerous situation. You have an uncontrolled heater situation and these printers can melt the aluminum heating block causing a fire. On...
Feb '16 - Are you using Makerbot desktop to slice? I don't use it, so this is secondhand information given to me by the authors of sailfish. Makerbot has been ma...
Feb '16 - Backlash is a mechanical issue. You can not fix a mechanical issue with software.
Apr '15 - There are some hosted on thingiverse that use only square cut acrylic. Making straight cuts on acrylic is fairly easy using the score and snap method....
Feb '16 - I hope its not a geetech board. You will need a different power supply as it lacks the 5v regulator. It comes with incompatible drivers, the standard d...
Jan '16 - Remember these are wooden machines, running on questionable electronics( low side switching with the ability for a MOSFET to fault on ) , with little t...
Jan '16 - hows this? Wiring diagram( New version) mightyboard.jpg
Jan '16 - Be very careful buying replacement parts on eBay. While you are correct, our printer uses a type k thermocouple, it must be electrically isolated from...
Nov '15 - I think it's time to try active cooling. If your afraid of soldering the mosfet, just power it directly from the psu with a simple toggle switch. After...
Jan '16 - When you installed sailfish did you write down the offsets, reset the eeprom back to factory settings, then restore you old homing offsets? This is a c...
Aug '15 - I would check your end stop cables. They are a known issue with this style printer. Unplug them and do your jogging to see if they are the culprit.
Dec '15 - First of all, you have replicator 1 dual clone not a rep 2. If you choose rep 2 anywhere your prints will come out 6% smaller. And if you install rep 2...
Dec '15 - There is no PID autotune in sailfish. You can change all the paramaters manualy through the onboard preferences in RepG. There were some changes recomm...
Dec '15 - I am pretty that is not the latest. I just downloaded 7.8r1600 on my coreXY bot.
Dec '15 - Does ctc use 6 or 6.35mm heater cores? 6.35 is 1/4 inch and you can find them at wanhao or flashforge. If they use 6mm they are widely available for ne...
Dec '15 - This is 100 percent caused by not enough cooling. You have two choices, point a big box fan at the side of your printer, or install a filament fan. The...
Dec '15 - Did you recently update firmware? Sounds like maybe incorrect homing offsets maybe. It's very hard to diagnose with the provided information. In this c...
Dec '15 - I see a few things off here, but I'm not sure because these are not your normal settings? what slicer are you using? I you suspect some tramming issues...
Dec '15 - Your inactive nozzle may be lower, you may be over extruding. Without pics out makes it hard to diagnose over the internets
Nov '15 - FFF files are unique to simplify 3d,a paid slicer, it has nothing to do with this. This is firmware trouble, and the proper file will end with .hex.
Nov '15 - You may have a failing endstop cable on your x axis, you may have a loose connection somewhere.
Nov '15 - You had an axis shift, towards your endstop, and your assumption is firmware? This is not a firmware bug, this is a failing endstop cable.
Nov '15 - put a box fan or other portable fan blowing across your bot, as some filament coolers only cool from front to back, instead of making a ring around the...
Aug '15 - Garolite or perfboard. Garolite works great for nylon with glue stick
Oct '15 - What killed the old board? Simply plugging in a new board into an existing problem, generally kills the new board. Thermocouple's are not inaccurate, t...
Aug '15 - Your "z axis stabilizer" is actually a z axis wobblizer. It is proven that constraining the top of the z screw caused issues.
Jul '15 - Blocks in the board indicate wrong firmware. You have a rep 1 dual clone. You most likely installed firmware for rep 2
Oct '15 - I can't begin to tell you how wrong that information is. Mbi firmware will not read any sd card larger then 2g. It does not simply just reformat the ca...
Sep '15 - My current piece of dollar store 6x9(i know, that's inches) has almost 500 hours on it. I have broke one or two in the past, but I'm still under 5$ tot...
Sep '15 - Those are the right ones. But your old ones probably just need a good cleaning and "super lube".
Aug '15 - Sounds like your using rep 2 profiles somewhere. Make sure your always selecting replicator 1 or dual in your slicing profiles and gpx profiles. There...
Sep '15 - Try uncle Chuck. He's active on the Google groups, gives excellent service. Chuck is retired marine, located in the southwest U.S. started http://www.u...
Sep '15 - I don't think he can help, I could be mistaken. http://3dprintingindustry.com/2015/08/24/ctc-cancels-fraudulent-4-in-1-3d-printer-kickstarter-from-ex-e...
Sep '15 - Try "the manual" http://www.sailfishfirmware.com/doc/tuning-dual-extruder-calibration.html
Sep '15 - First, for making .x3g files, use a program called gpx. https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/flashforge/xD3mF7IUZR4 Redirecting to Google Groups ....
Sep '15 - Ctc customer service is the worst, bordering on fraudulent. The printer is worth the money if you know how to maintain it and you go into it realizing...