The winter holidays are almost here, and for some of us that means entering in full Do Not Disturb mode. Yeah! If you plan to take some well earned time off, then we strongly recommend taking your printers offline. Here’s why One situation that we regularly see on the platform is that a customer s…
[a979054c-1229-429e-bbaf-458e8a97616b.jpeg] [kylo-ren2.jpg] Kylo Ren modeling tutorial using Autodesk Maya. I’ve prepared it for 3D printing using Makeprintable which prepares an Obj or Stl file for 3D printing. It ensured that my first print was successful. I’ve printed on a flash forge FDM pri…
[20042015-DSC03278.jpg] We want to hear from the beginners, new comers, pros, and intermediates of the 3D revolution. We are a London startup working on the future of 3D creation. We want to make the best tool for people who are new to the 3D printing and creation community. It would be great to g…
[2015-12-01 - Marvins-0461 (Custom).jpg] Figured it had been a while since we did a Marvin post as well. Check out what we have been up to over here at the design lab with these bad boys. Dual color, dual material, custom branded goodness. [2015-12-01 - Marvins-0465 (Custom).jpg] [2015-12-01 -…
[2015-12-4 - 3D Printing Day-040554 (Custom).jpg] Hey everyone. It’s been a little while since we have said hello as we have been hard at work in the lab. We figured we drop a quick post and say “HI”. Firstly, big thanks for allowing us to be an open hub for the 3D Printing Day as it was a total …
Hi Guys, I would like to share with you my last project, designed for the Italian filament maker - EUMAKERS. Xmas Ball consists in a two part big Christmas ball. It is very easy to assemble, and permits two color combinations. After printing the two halves, all you have to do, is pass a thread thr…
Hi guys, Here is my off road dune buggy design that has working suspension and linkage. I have put wings and slick tyres on it just cause I thought it looked cooler. [Cover.jpg] The idea behind it was to create the car and suspension linkages so it could all be printed in one print so that it co…
The french 3D printers manufacturer @dagoma offers everyday a new 3D printable creation. Discover great gift ideas for your loved ones but also very beautiful ornaments for your Christmas tree. To receive daily email your new gift advent calendar, sign up here: http://www.dagoma.fr/en/calendrier-no…
This is my entry for the Make-Ultimaker Contest. It’s a one-piece print with 18 hinges and a screw mechanism to control the opening of the ornament. There are some cool techniques in this model that I would like to show in detail. I named them: SmartBridge and StencilWall The egg is a one-piece pri…
[thumbnail3.jpg] In the spirit of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opening week, here’s my version of the new BB-8 droid! Demo and Making-of video: It is fully 3D printed and powered by an Arduino-based robotic platform. This droid self-balances on two wheels, play native sounds, contains multipl…
Hi guys, as much fun as receiving orders is, it’s even better when you know how to handle them
We’ll start with a general overview of the order flow, by walking you through all the steps an order goes through. 1. Incoming Orders Once you receive an order, you as the Hub have 2 options: Accept …
This is an RC car that has been modified to be an RC boat using 3D printing. For when you want an RC car and a boat but can’t afford both! (and are a 3D printing nerd) [Cover 1.JPG] The idea behind it was to keep the RC car standard and just add parts to turn it into an RC boat, but the parts had…
[3d hubs picks_2.png] Following up to last week’s Transformers cake, here’s another insanely captivating 3D print made possible through our platform! [Green.jpg] We reached out to Daniele Rossi @Daniele_Rossi, the author of these Berlusconi digital sculptures brought to life through 3D printing…
The festive season is approaching fast and I expect we’re all starting to put up our Christmas trees and get things ready for family, fun, laughter, and good food. I thought I’d share what I came up with for Christmas tree decorations using 3D printing. [P1000085.JPG] I used OpenSCAD to quickly t…
Hi everyone in Southeast AK!! Thanks for checking out the site and what there is to offer. I’m Matt, and I run the 3DPS hub in Ketchikan. I’m new to 3D printing but not to the general concept of machining and manufacturing. If you have any questions feel free to reach out and I’ll get back to you as…
Hey Guys, As we are approaching Christmas I modified Marvin slightly removing the keychain holder and giving him a nice Santa’s hat. I printed it in a single build once using a CubeX TRIO and PLA. No supports were used and the layer thickness used was 200 microns. [IMG_0331.jpg] To download th…
Hi I’m working with Teleport API and I’ve been able to send a print model to a cart through the API, everything works fine. But I got troubles with the “designer tip”, I can not assign a tip to a designer because I don’t know how to fill the uuid field in the Json file. Which is this user ID? Where…
[3d hubs picks_2.png] By now, most of you have already heard of the most insane birthday cake out there: an Optimus Prime Transformer! Here’s a refresher (it’s worth watching again, even if only to see those 6-year old’s faces
): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtvTV-FrupU So we reached to Russ…
I have used Shapeways and 3d Hub to produce a model of a Z gauge locomotive body, but am not entirely satisfied with the results, and am not sure of the best process to use. The model has been produced with Blender : [class 51xx-blender image.jpg] The model is about 50 mm long x 12 mm wide x abou…
I had a great turn out today! 3D Printing is something quite out of the ordinary for my area, which fueled much curiosity and buzz around the office! I even had the CEO stop in for a bit to check out the display! (Which is pretty cool coming from a company this size. You might be able to guess the c…
Hey 3D print fans! Now that our UltiMaker2 is working again and the new Builder has been installed we are preparing ourselves for Christmas! The first prints on the UM2 are simple snowflakes designed by Jon Monaghan that can be downloaded from Thingiverse. I’ve used peppermint-cream Faberdashery f…
Happy 3D Printing Day! And what an awesome day it is
Join us this afternoon, in between 3 and 6 pm, as we put up a solid 3D Printing Day party for your enjoyment. We’ll be 3D printing, chatting and then 3D printing some more
Be sure to tune in to Periscope today, for the live-streaming from our …
You won’t find this #3DPrintingDay meetup space on any map… because it only exists in the Metaverse. I’ve created a virtual space for those who find themselves without a physical location to meet others and share information. No special hardware required to participate in 3D avatar driven voice…
Hi all, I am looking at an ever-increasing pile of used filament spools of different materials. Some are ABS, some are PET, some are “undefined”. I have no idea what to do with these as the Dutch plastic recyling doesn’t include these materials apart from PET. Anyone have a solution? This seems real…
The force awakens! This Fiat 500 E (electric) was just presented by Garage Italia Customs in Los Angeles, and here’s a replica with the choice of open widows with interiors sight, or closed, with real stormtrooper look. The 10 files composing this model are conceived especially for FFF/FDM 3d prin…
Hey everyone! I did a simple 3D printing project recently and wanted to share it with the community! I like using 3D printing blended with more traditional building materials in unique ways. I printed connectors to be used with quarter-inch dowel rods to make different geometric shapes. All connec…
This is the first post in a series of Talk posts about Selective Laser Sintering. Over the course of the coming weeks I will tell you all about this magnificent 3D Printing technique. This first post will quickly explain the Selective Laser Sintering process, followed by what SLS machines we curre…
Hey guys, a couple of minutes ago a mystery package from @ColorFabb arrived at my door. Since I hadn’t ordered anything, I was very curious about its contents. And after a close inspection it turned out that this was a kit sent out to me in preparation for the Global 3D Printing Day on Thursday! […
Recently I got my hands on the BuildTak spatula for removing prints and after a few “false starts” with it I have to say it is one pretty nice tool for your printing arsenal. The main advantage is that it can slide underneath a print and remove it with minimal effort. Also it is well made and VERY r…
We’re just a few weeks away from the new The Force Awakens movie and you can almost feel the Star Wars madness taking over! Daredevil @victorp is already shimmying his way in the Printlab for some Star Wars 3D printed goodness. Remember the two legendary lightsabers made by @k5o52 (1st below) and @…