Following up to last week’s Transformers cake 3, here’s another insanely captivating 3D print made possible through our platform!
We reached out to Daniele Rossi @Daniele_Rossi, the author of these Berlusconi digital sculptures brought to life through 3D printing via ProRa’s Hub in Florence 1 @ssemplici, to get a glimpse into how the project got started. Enjoy!
'Since I began my artistic research I have always wanted to use as subject Silvio Berlusconi, the three times Prime Minister of my country, Italy, but in a new form than those who had preceded me in portraying him. In my way of seeing those who had mocked and criticized him over the years just inadvertently confirmed his success, fueling the media coverage of his character. My intention was rather to do a “forensic analysis”, breaking down the different aspects of the media personality and reassemble them according to my artistic sense.
Since 2009 I portrait him more than 15 times in many different materials, marble, fiberglass, plaster, etc … In 2012 I started to develop my skills of digital artist, from that moment I started to work on the project by the computer, that left me a unimaginable creative freedom compared to the traditional sculpture’s method.
TUMOR VIDEO, the work I 3D Printed thanks to 3D Hubs and ProRa, represent the dualism between the POP Berlusconi (the reference to Mikey Mouse is pretty obvious) and the economic and media power at his disposal, in other words expresses the dangers hidden behind his proverbial plastic smile.
My technical choices on software are fully functional to artistic achievement, no compromise on the final quality of the file! I use Z-brush for modeling before, an then i move to a reverse engineering’s software, Geomagic Design X to process the parametric file. In this way i’m able to control defects and problems of the mesh and get the right balance between quality and weight of the model.
Unfortunately, for a long time I couldn’t realize my work due to the impossibility to 3D print it in one piece, which is impossible with a conventional FDM printer. On the other hand the local 3D print services offered unaffordable prices for 3D printing powder technology, turning to 3D Hubs I found more than reasonable process and high quality, as well as a great variety of offers. Another thing to which i’m very sensitive is the availability and kindness of the staff, Mr Brockotter @Robin3D has been very patient with me and helped readily in using the service.’
Well, that put me in the Disney mood Feel free to share your feedback in the comments section below.
What is you’re most awesome use of 3D printing? Feel free to give me a shout at to share your prints with the community.
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