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Dec 2015

Hi all, I am looking at an ever-increasing pile of used filament spools of different materials. Some are ABS, some are PET, some are “undefined”. I have no idea what to do with these as the Dutch plastic recyling doesn’t include these materials apart from PET. Anyone have a solution? This seems really wasteful.

  • created

    Dec '15
  • last reply

    Jan '16
  • 9


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  • 6


Wow, @neep, I can’t believe it’s been 3 months already and you didn’t find a solution for your recycling problem! Let me reach out to some of the recycling Hubs I know and I’ll get back to you. We’ll get to the bottom of this :wink:

I have been in touch with one other hub in Germany who offered me to send it over. This I can do but it’s not really sustainable in the long run. I also had a response from some Dutch people from InnoCircle but they didn’t want my filament as it’s “mixed” and consumer grade from China. So I am still stuck with it all. There must be hundreds if not thousands of people in NL with the same problem by now.

Anyway this thread I started about the SPOOLS, not about the filament itself. But it’s the same problem, essentially…

Hi Neep, we (fila-cycle.co.uk 67) have been collecting empty spools and reusing them. However, we are in the UK and thus it is not cost effective for you to send over your spools to us - or at least I suspect it is not.

We collect from retailers around the UK, then we re-spool file our 100% recycled filaments ! :slight_smile:

Spools become circular products :wink:


Very good initiative, is this something 3Dhubs can pickup or actualy the suppliers should do this

Good marketingtool i think!

Or collect and sell them and do something for area’s who suffer the most from climate change!!

Hi @3Dscaleworks, 3Dhubs has identified us as being able to provide recycled prints but with Fila-Cycle.co.uk 9 we are much more. Please take a look at http://spool-cycle.com/start.php 69 BEAWARE is a development site and thus is not ready for public consumption, though we have nothing to hide thus you can view the initial start up page. This will be locked down shortly because it is not released as yet.

Do people want to get involved?? Do retailers want to get involved? Does 3DHubs want to get involved (@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)?. Rattle the cages! Reach out and talk to me, scott.Knowles@objectform.co.uk

Here in Detroit, no one recycles spools, nor filament. as far as filament goes, I just bagged up 10 pounds worth of various ABS filaments (after being despooled), and threw it in the recycle bin labeled “ABS” all over. That’s all I really can do. I just keep the empty spools on the shelf. I am really tempted to manufacture my own filament that is made with recycled materials and spools. I mean, it is the Motor City, and we have an abundant amount of ABS scrap that the Big 3 automakers pile up to throw away!

2 months later

Hi Scott, im in the uk and have empty spools, i really dont want to put them in the rubish bin and was wondering if they would be any good for you. I dont have a lot at the moment but i have a lot of orders to compleate so this weill deffinatly go up. Please let me know if u are intrested in them and were i can send them to.
