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Dec 2015

The festive season is approaching fast and I expect we’re all starting to put up our Christmas trees and get things ready for family, fun, laughter, and good food. I thought I’d share what I came up with for Christmas tree decorations using 3D printing.

I used OpenSCAD to quickly throw together a little star shape with a little circular hole so it can be hung from a tree or on a string or ribbon. Definitely not the most complex or unique of designs, but the classics work just as well, right? Originally I’d planned on just printing it in normal PLA (maybe red or gold), but I recently received my latest ColorFabb order (thank you Cyber Monday…) containing BambooFill and CorkFill, so I ended up printing them out using CorkFill.

It prints to a lovely dark wood-like brown and makes the room smell wonderfully like a wood workshop. Since I have LulzBot printers, I downloaded their BambooFill Cura profile for my Mini 1 and simply upped the temperature from 190 to 210 to print with CorkFill, as it has a slightly higher processing temperature. I also found that printing it at a coarse layer height (0.38mm) works just fine and gives a nice home-made feel to the end result.

I decorated the stars with a cheap silver metallic marker pen and added some brown jute string to hang them from the tree, and they were just the look I was going for.

I’ve shared the model on Thingiverse 1 if you want some Christmas stars of your own. Depending on the look you want, they should print great on pretty much any printer with any material and settings.

Have a great 3D printing Christmas everyone.

  • created

    Dec '15
  • last reply

    Dec '15
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Are the resulting prints stiff like bamboofill, or more flexible?

They’re stiff, very similar to BambooFill and I’d imagine WoodFill, although I’ve not yet tried that out. They feel much like lightweight wooden stars.