If not on your USB drive from Flashforge you can download from their website i believe.
Have you tried just using the flashprint slicer
I had he same problem. I just bought some glass, printed a spacer and now I just pop the glass off if it doesn’t immediately come free. Throw the glass and print in the freezer and voila pops right off
Clogged nozzle? Clogged Teflon tube?
Glass bed is a worthwhile upgrade I strongly recommend it. Just print yourself a shim prior to installing . I upgraded my nozzles recently because they became so clogged and was tired of replacing teflon tubes. Microswiss makes a good stainless nozzle
10-4 you are definitely doing better than I was ! Happy printing
If you are just starting with 3d printing use PLA it’s more forgiving. I’d also recommend getting a couple pieces of borosilicate glass… you can pull the glass off and prints pop right off. I keep two sheets of glass so I can pull one off, let it cool and start another print asap
What materials are you printing with, what temps are you using for your bed and extruder and what infill ?If you haven’t already completed, consider getting a glass bed. I print on glass with elmers glue stick for pla and hair spray for abs
What frequency are you relevelibg your bed? I only have to do minor adjustments periodically if there is a tad amount of variation between pieces of glass.
Try getting a piece of borosilicate glass but make sure you print a spacer first so you don’t crash into the glass
Agree with everything he said
unless I have a specific need for abs I stick with pla for a variety of reasons including ease of use and smell
I use elmers glue stick for pla with bed heated to about 60 C and my extruder at 200. I print with no issues. Have you also tried leveling or re leveling your bed
What materials are you printing with?
What temps are you printing at? Did you change filament manufacturers, does it do that only when you are trying to put plastic on the build surface (i.e. Can you extrude material when the bed is lowered and you are just loading filament) have you tried pla? Could be a bad batch of filament
That’s why I don’t move my bed much with my creator pro. The process is much easier with the dreamer
This is more of a feel thing . My dreamer I need some resistance while my creator pro needs to not have any resistance. trial and error
Are you using hairspray or anything similar to help with adhesion
Are you printing via USB or sd card? I generally get that error via sd card when I tell it to print the wrong file on my dreamer. S3d puts two files on my card one is a gcode and the other is something different.
Thermocouple issue?
Did you receive an error message that there may be errors in the model and ask you if you wanted to fix or ignore?
Did you actually install the firmware on the printer and did you restart the printer after you did? I typically install with direct connect from my laptop to printer
What are you using for anprint surface ?
I run pla on my dreamer at 190 extruded and bed at 50. I use a glass bed with blue tape for adhesion this has has worked for several brands and wood pla good luck!
This could be an Intermittent wifi drop out. I’ve printed some large files but I always use an SD card on my dreamer
There are multiple websites out there including this one. Use a search engine to find free 3d models or you can use a program like fusion 360 to design your own.
Mine came with a spacer that triggered the limit switch on my dreamer. I turned on my printer to make sure that the limit switch would trigger and stop the bed from moving up. Once it was in level mode and and had stopped moving I lowered my bed a bit and then slid the glass in. That’s when I restar…
I use fusion 360 and when I have a similar issue I create and svg and then extrude in fusionnthen export to flash print that’s the work around I’ve used successfully