I have a Flashforge Dreamer 3d, printing PLA at 205 degrees for the extruder and 65 for the bed. The first 5 or so layers of all of my prints have a very subtle but strange blobbing and then everything after that is smooth. Any ideas? I’ve tread leveling not only with the printers leveling but also simplify 3d wizard. I also have retraction set at 2mm.
Attached is a picture of too prints up close…notice the first few layers are extra blobby then everything smooths out? Any thoughts or suggestions?
So, I’m new to 3D printing myself and by way of disclaimer, I have only printed with ABS so far. In your picture, it looks like the same effect I get when my machine is running too hot. I will be ordering some PLA in the near future, but as I have read up on it a bit, most folks seem to use PLA with the heated bed turned off (I’ll wait on some more experienced folks to weight in on that).
Purple glue stick works good. In general you don’t need additional stuff for PLA but I always use it. If it is curling off the build plate then maybe double check the level and gap on the nozzle. Take a good look at the first layer to see how it looks and that you are getting proper “squish”.
One thing you can do is to have the first layer extrude 10c hotter then back it off to the temp you want for the rest of the print. Same with the bed.
Just a clarification, the rest of the print looks fine. It’s the first few layers I’m worried about…Since many are suggesting to LOWER the bed temp to avoid the blobbing, do you mean LOWER the temperature for the first few layers and then increase by 10? Thanks for clarifying…
I think that is the correct glue! I still use the ones supplied with the printer since I was using hair spray. A google search should come up with the one that works well.
I usually set the extruder to (only for example) 210 for the first layer of PLA then drop it to 205 or 200 depending on the brand. You could do 200 then down to 190. Same for the bed. If it is colder in the room I may start the bed at 65 for the first layer then walk it down 5 degrees for layer two then another five for the rest of the print.
By the way. Glue stick washes off the glass good with hot water and soap. I just put it in the kitchen sink and run the water then wash like any dish and let it air dry. Also put the glue stick on a cold bed.
I found one of the problems…for some strange reason I had Extrusion Multiplier set to 1.50. When I reset that to the default, everthing cleared up…thanks everyone!! The suggestion to set everything to default for Forge was the trick!
That issue is because the first layer is printed too close to the bed. Assuming a value of 1 gives you a calibrated extruder you are printing too close to the bed by about half.