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Nov 2017

Hello guys, I recently bought a flashforge dreamer. I’m having a hard time trying to detach the object from the print board. Since I’m using blue tape, what method do you all suggest? Thanks

  • created

    Nov '17
  • last reply

    Dec '17
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on the types of print tape that the Flashforge Dreamer uses I have had success with cooling and a razorblade.

First let the printbed cool down to room temperature, then use a sharp rasor blade separating the print from the printbed.

Also, when the print tape starts to get worn out I have gotten the grip back byt cleaning the bed with isopropanol alcohol on a cloth.

Good luck!

I had he same problem. I just bought some glass, printed a spacer and now I just pop the glass off if it doesn’t immediately come free. Throw the glass and print in the freezer and voila pops right off

9 days later

If your using abs then spray some hairspray on the print bed a few seconds before it prints you want it sticky but not to wet. It helps to keep corners from curling, and I use a business card and exacto to pry it off by twisting the knife under one of the edges, the card will help to keep from damaging the kapton tape. With pla it should stick fine maybe hairspray if you have troubles. I have never personally used the painters tape. I’ve had my Dreamer about 3 years. I also recommend buying a roll of Kapton tape I’ve damaged mine a few times and have had to replace it, the roll will last you years and it’s cheap. And clean the hairspray off the print bed when it starts to build up or if your getting sticking problems. I use isopropyl alcohol and acetone not mixed but individually. Pla prints much better than abs. I have had a lot of failed prints with abs until you get all the quirks figured out.