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Dec 2017

I am using a Flashforge Creator Pro and normally I use ReplicatorG for everything for 3D printing (Keep in mind I am rather a novice to 3D printing). But ever since I decided to use other programs to slice the models my prints try to lower the bed into the floor and won’t stop.I have checked I have entered into the new slicers the correct bed dimensions 225 x 145 x 150 mm. Keep in mind I am still using ReplicatorG to convert the file from gcode to x3g in order to work with the sail fish and I have already tried other slicers incase they were the problem. Is this a printer problem, replicator problem, or a slicer. I am stuck Replicator isn’t the best at generating supports and yet its the only thing I can use.


  • created

    Dec '17
  • last reply

    Dec '17
  • 11


  • 1.4k


  • 7



congratulations to your Flashforge 3D printer! in my experience Flashforge makes great machines.

When you get stuck in troubleshooting, you can try loading some default demo file that came with the machine. Or a file you know have printed good before. If that file prints ok, the error is in the file you are having problems with now.

Best of luck


Ok, I will give it a shot thanks. So is Flashprint made by Flashforge and if so why doesn’t it come with the printers?

It should. It was on the USB stick for my latest printer.

A few thoughts come to mind:

1. My FFCP has a “Home Axis” option in the Utilities menu. Does yours and does it work? I can’t remember if it drops the bed after bringing it all the way up…

2. Have you tried setting the height to something less than 150mm to see if it stops part way down?

3. What other programs have you tried for slicing? For a few issues now, I’ve used Flashprint from Flashforge to test if something happens in another program.

Good luck!

When I bought mine it didn’t come with FlashPrint but thanks to all of you guys I can keep on printing. THANK YOU Sirously I was on the verge of giving up and stop printing. The problem was ReplicatorG and as soon as I switched it over it was as if I had a bran new printer.

Great to hear!! Yep, RepG is very outdated. Basically it has been abandoned and is really only good for some settings adjustments.
3D printing is an exercise in frustration with an occasional breakthrough!!

When things go wrong try to go back to the basics and eliminate the obvious things first.

i.e. if a DVD disk doesn’t play properly what do you do? Take the player apart and replace the laser or do you check and clean the disk?!!! Same concept!