Hi everyone, I’m really sorry if this has already been answered but I’ve searched all over for an answer to my problem but I am unable to find a solution so I’m hoping I can find someone here who can help. I’m new to the world of 3D printing but I have been a long time fan, I recently purchased a Creator Pro, and I was very excited to use it, however I have had no end of problems, I was able to print the test box in ABS however with a bit of warping but after messing around with the plate level I was able to correct this. Now however when I print with ABS it bunches up around the cog, I’ve cleaned it I’ve stripped it out I’ve done everything I can think of, I’ve printed at different temperatures nothing seems to work, the print starts of great then half way through it stops yet continues on as if it were printing. I’m at my wits ends if anyone can help I’d really appreciate it. Sorry for the long post, I’ve attached images to show what the print is like and the inside of the machine.
Have you tried another filament brand to see if it works… what temp and speed are you set at?
What temps are you printing at? Did you change filament manufacturers, does it do that only when you are trying to put plastic on the build surface (i.e. Can you extrude material when the bed is lowered and you are just loading filament) have you tried pla? Could be a bad batch of filament
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Hi, I’m using the ABS filament that came with the creator pro, I have my hotbed at 110 and I’ve been printing between 220 and 240 for the extruder, it extrudes fine when the bed is lowered and I’m loading the filament, I’ve tried PLA but it would never stick to the bed, it would at the start then it would just spring up, i print at the default speed the printer is at
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What slicer? What is the bed material? The stock blue sheet? If so then clean very good with alcohol. Then level, level, level and level again. Do this until it becomes second nature.
Use the control panel on the front of the printer to level with. Move the nozzle by hand you will be using over the leveling bolt and use a regular piece of paper to slide between the bed and nozzle. You should feel slight resistance. Go around all three points repeatedly until you no longer need to adjust.
PLA should be in the left extruder. Starting temp about 200 and bed at 65. Now, slow way down! Overall speed about 2000mm/min.
Go back to PLA. It is more forgiving than ABS to start out with.
Get a calibration cube file or make one. A 20X20X10 is fine.
Watch the first layer as it gets going and see what happens. Think about what is going on while you watch and use this to determine what is next.
Agree with everything he said
unless I have a specific need for abs I stick with pla for a variety of reasons including ease of use and smell 
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1. Try lowering your temperature. You may be printing too hot, creating heat creep up the tube of the extruder, until the material at the top is getting flexible and bending above the extruder tube.
2. Try increasing your temperature. Not above 240! It may be that your material is slowly cooling, finally getting too hard to push through.
3. Try printing slower, see if that helps.
4. Use flashprint, the free software from FF.
5. ABS from FF is not good ABS, you may find you want to try a different brand.
As for PLA, it will stick fine, you just need to really squish that first layer, until is looks like bacon when it prints the first layer. PLA is easier for newcomers.
Once you get some good prints, get a glass build plate and use aquanet hairspray to hold the print down.
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It is a bottle neck at the hot end. Three things to check:
1. Extruder temp >260°C?
2. When you cleaned out the nozzle, was it inspected to see the bore hole as light passes through it?
3. Inspect the PTFE tube for warping?
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Thank you all for your replies, I’m going to try what you all have said and go from there and will
update you all on my first successful print lol thanks again.
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