Hi ive been using my finder for a few weeks now with good results using flashprint but alot of people say that the quality of simplify3d is better so i got the software but im having problems printing with it everytime i hit print over usb or thumbdrive i get a “error file” message anyone know where im going wrong? Thanks Bradley
Are you printing via USB or sd card? I generally get that error via sd card when I tell it to print the wrong file on my dreamer. S3d puts two files on my card one is a gcode and the other is something different.
Don’t forget Finder needs files with extension.gx NOT .gcode
Is there a way of changing the output file from .gcode to .gx?
Hmm, S3D does say it is compatible with the Finder so either the Fonder can accept .gcode or S3D can output as .gx.
I have both S3D and a Finder so will check later and let you know how I get on.
OK, I just fired up S3D, added the Finder via the Configuration Assistant, sliced a model and sent via USB. Worked first time with zero adjustments. Are you sure when you Edit Process Settings that you are choosing the Finder profile?
Just rename the “.gcode” file to “.g”, then you can print it via SD. You can also transfer it via Flashprint & WiFi.