I had seen/read about the glue stick trick, but I thought that was usually to ensure adhesion consistently… When the first string is placed on the front it adheres well to the bed prior to the trying to place the first layer of the desired part. That is what confuses me…
I have no problems paying more for the printer and parts… Hell what’s $20 on $1000. I’d likely just buy the one right from FlashForge as it is a factory option. (Edit: And then notice that it is for the Creator, not Dreamer… Sigh)…
And your 2 cents is worth more than my No-Sense I’m a newbie who is learning and that is why I ask questions.
Are you using default settings from S3D? You get a nice line at the front because extrusion is multiplied. I also turn on Skirt/Brim gives that extra level of certainty that I leveled properly.
Turns out that during the initial script from Simplify3D sets the Tool 0 extruder to draw a line along the front edge of the bed… Lo and behold that line always printed. The actual component parts were calling up Tool 1 extruder to actually make the 3D printed object. Only issue? Only have filiament loaded into Tool 0… GD I’m an idiot sometimes (or most times according to my wife).
A resolution is a resolution, welcome to 3D printing! We might as well be dogs the amount of time we spend chasing our tails around. Was glad to read you got this sorted out.