I just got my flashforge creator pro today, did the test print and it was perfect. I put the SD card in my PC…it said to update firmware so I did. Now the printer shows “SD card read error” please help!!!
The PC said to update the printer firmware??
Did you actually install the firmware on the printer and did you restart the printer after you did? I typically install with direct connect from my laptop to printer
If I’m not mistaken, the SD card cannot be larger than 4GB and must be formatted to FAT32. Otherwise, you will get that error message.
Mine works fine with everything up to 16Gig.
This isn’t making any sense. You are going to need to explain in much more detail.
How exactly did you “update firmware”
SD Card read errors is why I designed and built this:
With the original board, about 4 in 5 times of inserting an SD card, it would give a read error (regardless of the size). But with my new replacement board, I haven’t had a single read error yet, and I’ve been using 16GB cards.
Their design for the entire front panel is horrible. They have no buffering on the data line from the SD card and are letting a weak, open-drain signal try to drive down a long cable while using it to convert from a 3.3v signal to a 5v input on the Arduino. Any noise, any clock skew, and it’s read-error city. There was also no impedance matching, no ESD protection, etc, etc. So changing out the panel is the way to go.
However, since yours just started when you upgraded firmware, it seems suspicious and coincidental enough to be a firmware bug or problem. I hope you made a backup copy of your original firmware before you updated it! It’s easy enough to do, but does require breaking out ‘avrdude’. However, once you overwrite it with new firmware, if you didn’t make a backup, good luck finding a copy of the original firmware.
In general, with the firmware on these printers, unless you have a specific bug or problem you are trying to solve by upgrading it, it’s generally best not to touch the firmware – except of course to make that backup copy of it. And certainly not because some PC software said to do so.