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34 results for@kissfan4 #3d-printers
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Oct '16
I experienced something very similar, mine was harder to track down as it would only occur occasionally during prints. My printer would start out fine,...
May '16
i use multiple single edge razor blades, make sure the bed and part are cold, or else you will warp the edges/corners, start a razor blade in each corn...
Jan '17
Also check your speed, i was having an issue with shifted layers on my "y" axis and it ended up being the speed was set too high and would cause the st...
Nov '16
I fought layer shifting for quite some time, mine was caused by a mixture of speed/acceleration and my belt tensioners, what axis is this happening on?...
Feb '17
Something is not tight, print a test cube and check to see if you can find a pattern.
Feb '17
Increase your sold layers for the top and bottom in your slicing software.
Oct '16
I have had zero luck with glue sticks, my go to is hair spray, I go to the dollars store and buy a big can of aerosol hair spray, heat the bed, spray a...
Sep '16
Give hairspray a try, i tried tape and glue to no avail. Switched to strictly using hairspray and have not had an issue since.
Oct '16
Use glass, and upgrade to a heated bed if it does not have one already. I have a i3 kit from china, and although it has been a PIA at times, it has bee...
Aug '16
Place it in the hole along with some thermal compound, at least thats what i did.
Jun '16
Check out this link, it really come sin handy diagnosing printing issues. I think you should specifically look at the "Vibrations and Ringing" https://...
Jun '16
seems like there is definatley an issue with the barrel, do you have a spare that you can try? If not i would contact the supplier, and or order some n...
Jun '16
if you are able to edit the file, go in and attach round pads coming off of the areas that are curling, This will give more surface area for adhesion.
Jun '16
are you using a slicer to convert it to a gcode? or are you trying to print the .stl?
May '16
OK, so i have been having the oozing issue for a little while, it started out of no where, and has gotten progressively worse, i have played with temp...
May '16
either the thermistor is not reading the temps correctly, or your power supply is not providing enough power.
May '16
Most likely, you do not have enough pressure on the extruder drive gear, if you can manage to get it to print, you can print your own pieces. Worst cas...
May '16
not in Germany, but what are the problems you are having, i have a prusa i3 bought from a Chinese company that required a lot of tweaking in order to g...
May '16
I have tried everything i can think of but i am still getting ooze to the point that most of my travel lines end up being single thickness walls. I am...
May '16
when it is thumping can you see if the drive gear is actually spinning or not? Mine was making a noise similar to what you are describing, but mine was...
May '16
Alot of it depends on what you are printing, i strictly print PLA, and usually print 5-10 bottom layers, and sometimes 15-20 top layers to prevent the...
Jul '15
I was wondering if it is possible to pause a print, home the axis, then have the printer pick up where it left off. I am using pronterface, and there i...
Dec '15
Ok so I have been dealing with shifted layers for the last few weeks, it started out of no where. It is occurring on the y axis, I have taken others su...
Mar '16
Thermister issue,
Mar '16
Just bought a roll of "glow in the dark" pla filament, getting this issue when the extruded filament comes out lumpy at the beginning of the print, but...
Feb '16
check the baud rate, i just starting using repetier and was having issues just like you, would say it was connected but manual controls would not do an...
Feb '16
Everytime I try to print a large object I get a "memoryError, cannot allocate memory for array" what could be causing this? I am slicing with slic3r, a...
Dec '15
How do I get the bottom layer to print like the top? The bottom layer makes my parts look like crap. 1449448989252-2017397811.jpg 144944893951583906118...
Jan '16
Just be careful using a clothes pin spring, thats what i was using, and it was the cause of my layer shift.
Jan '16
Ok so I thought my heatbed had the short, well after installing a new one I come to find out it is not the board but the connection for the heatbed the...
Oct '15
So yesterday i started a print before i left for work, when i got home i had a mess, somewhere along the print something went wrong and the print had s...
Oct '15
I bought a prusa i3 from China about 5 months ago and it takes a while to get it dialed in. I would level my bed every 3-5 prints, but was still having...
Jul '15
OK so i have been trying to print something and i have hit a snag, i want smooth sides, and smooth top but not sure how to go about doing so. If i prin...
Jul '15
I say you need to lower both your print temp, and your speed. If you have issues with the ring, slow your print even further when it gets to that point...