Everytime I try to print a large object I get a “memoryError, cannot allocate memory for array” what could be causing this? I am slicing with slic3r, and printing with pronterface.
This a known problem with pronterface(phyton memory issue), try to install repetier host http://www.repetier.com/documentation/repetier-host/ to run the printer, but i recommend to use a LCD screen with SD card reader they are more reliable than maintain USB connection with Arduino during a 12-24 hour print.
Tried using repetier, and it now locks up when trying to slice. Not sure what the issue is, i started it last night around 11pm, checked it this morning at 7am, and it was locked up. Also i noticed last night when using repetier, my extruder motor got quite hot during the print, i put a cooling fan on it but i never had this happen when using pronterface. Any ideas what would cause it to happen on one, and not the other?