Check this website out: Print Quality Guide | Simplify3D Software 5.4k
I found it very helpfull to find out what was wrong.
Have you tried a different model to see if it still does it? Try rotating the model some or moving it to a different area on the bed and see what happens.
If it keeps doing it at the same place then it is like to be a mechanical issue which could be loose belts, pulley’s etc. Maybe needs a little lube.
I have tried on different models I have been printing a 52 part print and stopped when this started happening, so I have been doing test prints since. it happens on all prints. no matter what orientation. Im just not sure how to fix it.
A quick google search reveals that issues could be stepper drivers and under current, over heating or motor going bad missing steps.
I would google it and see what others are saying and see if any of it sounds familiar.
Check that there are no screws or other parts on the hot end that may have come loose
Yep, nothing that is loose
I fought layer shifting for quite some time, mine was caused by a mixture of speed/acceleration and my belt tensioners, what axis is this happening on? what type of tensioner do you have on said axis? Is your speed/acceleration set too high?
I had the same concern recently.
I found on mine that the one washer diameter was not big enough on the ho. See the attached picture. The red circled washer was where I had a concern. You will see that the centre piece that rests on the washers is very close to the edge of the washer circled in red. This is not the case on the for the black circled washer.
What I found happens is that the centre piece holding the hot end might slip down past the washer and this caused the shifts in layers for me.
I ended up screwing another washing in under the washer that is already there to make sure that the centre piece can’t slip by the washer. This is a interim fix (There is a possibility that this additional washer can come loose and fall out) and I will get a washer with a bigger diameter to ensure that this won’t happen again.
I hope that this helps.
I found that aligning my tension pulley with the gear on the stepper so they were parallel fixed the layer shift problem for me.