Hi All,
We are having a weird issue with a new(ish) CTC Replicator printer where the top and bottom layers have holes within the layers so you can see all the way through the 3D print.
I’ve attached some annotated pictures of the issue.
Here is what I have tried to rectify the problem:
- Reflash the firmware in Makerbot Desktop to 7.5
- Reduce the filament diameter in steps right down to 1.4 (Thinking it would push more plastic out)
- Change the device preferences (in Devices menu) for the steps/mm of the A & B extruder right up to 15000000 and this seems to have had no effect at all
- Change the max feedrates to a higher number so it’s not being limited
- Check for bloackages in the nozzle
- Swap the nozzle for a known working one
I’m really running out of ideas on settings to change and more imporatntly none of them seem to be having any impact on the amount of plastic that is extruded. I really thought some of these settings when changed drastically should pump out way too much plastic.
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Sounds like you have overhauled the engine to fix a flat tire. There is no real need to flash firmware, change steps etc unless the manufacturer indicates to do so. The first issue people have is setting up the wrong printer in the software.
We also really need some useful info such as filament type, temps being used, bed surface type, speeds etc.
Aside from trying to get the printer back to a factory (known) state I would think that increasing the top/bottom layers some may help. Also looks like it could be under extruding some.
Maybe your changes in the firmware were being overridden by eeprom? I only change flowrate settings when I calibrate it for new filaments. If the extruder is calibrated properly, I think those holes are from slicer extrusion widths at that layer height set too small.
You are not extruding enough material. Increase your extrusion multiplier until it is solid.
Wirly bird is correct that more top layers might help. If you have low infill and poor bridging, not enough top layers can allow the top layers to fall into the infill.
Also, look here: Print Quality Guide | Simplify3D Software
Increase your sold layers for the top and bottom in your slicing software.