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Apr '16 - i would assume the 9.3% is taken after discount? 100 - 25 = 75 x 9.3% = 69.75?
Nov '16 - I can confirm this bug too, @Gabriela
Jul '17 - have a look at http://enablingthefuture.org enablingthefuture.org and http://www.futureengineers.org/ feel free to give our page a like as well if you...
Jun '17 - i dont think these are spam, rather the client not understanding the technology, I would decline and refer them to SLS / SLA prints but I agree with yo...
Jun '17 - report buttons shouldnt be hard to do, +1 on community mods as well
Aug '16 - looks great! will print it out as a large banner for our makerspace!
Nov '15 - I've printed a couple of cases in Australia, would be nice to have a badge to let others know they can print down under!
Apr '17 - @keebie81 suggestions are good ideas, hub views arent always indicative of orders, ive had close to 200,000 views on my hub trying to get your hub serv...
Mar '17 - I think its volume, no raft, supports and 10% infill
Nov '16 - I would love to hear how hubs out there price support removal, are you doing it for free? I have to factor in human wages vs machine running costs beca...
Oct '16 - looks like they are trying out other languages!
May '16 - Hi @filemon , is the order widget broken atm? it seems to be directing to the main page instead of the order page?
Sep '16 - you should be able to select it in the account settings page
Aug '16 - Congrats Christophe!
Aug '16 - https://www.3dhubs.com/melbourne/events/3d-hubs-enablemelbourneorg-meetup Hey Hubs and 3D Printing enthusiasts! Please join us for a soon to be regular...
Aug '16 - was great catching up again Jak have a few ideas in the pipeline, will be having 5 types of meetups planned 1 general meetup 2 filament focused 3 print...
Aug '16 - thanks for the link Utkarsh! we have used his services for some time now and he is great to work with
Aug '16 - have you tried talking to any makerspaces in your area for contacts? I would also try the sales guys from companies like 3d systems to see if you can g...
Jun '16 - Hi Maeve, I second what Gabriela said about contacting the guys at http://enablingthefuture.org enablingthefuture.org and on their google groups you ca...
Jul '16 - creepy but very cool! thanks for sharing!
Jul '16 - Hi Scott are you based in Sydney? did you find someone to help you with your project?
Jun '16 - Hi Glenn, echoing what the others are saying, looks like a simple FDM print, if you have issues with supports, use a program like meshmixer (free) to m...
Jan '16 - Hi andrew, did you find someone to help you?
Jun '16 - Hi Ashley, I am working on your file for you atm thanks!
Jun '16 - does signing out and signing in update the last active? i think it is related to the ordering system, because being active on the forums for me doesnt...
May '16 - Hi Alvin, depends on how you want it printed, you might separate into sections rather than multiple files, you want to have as much contact with the ba...
Jun '16 - I had a few issues last week, but it was just 1 day that happened ive sent you a test message to your hub, see if you got it?
May '16 - Free delivery sounds interesting, I usually incorporate this issue in my postage fee
May '16 - it does sound like a PITA to change multiple printers, If I ever have too many jobs I discuss with orders to let them know the delayed print times and...
May '16 - Hi frrider, we usually charged based on time, but to give you an idea, most places in Australia charge $50-$500 per scan depending on equipment
May '16 - Hi @DigiPhy3D , I use paypal for my invoices, you could also use online software like Xero, Saasu, QuickBooks Online and MYOB that have invoice templat...
May '16 - Hi Sean, most 3d plastics are usually safe for skin contact, think lego bricks
Dec '15 - leave a message for the 3d hubs support to close the job, they usually put it down as a customer withdrawal if the customer doesnt withdraw in terms of...
Apr '16 - Our group at http://enablemelbourne.org enablemelbourne.org is celebrating our 1 month anniversary next week at the Melbourne Knowledge Week Festival H...
Apr '16 - good luck with your event Andrew!
Mar '16 - https://www.3dhubs.com/melbourne/events/co-polyester-3d-printing Hi Hubs & 3D printing enthusiasts! We'd like to invite you to 3D Hubs co-polyester wor...
Mar '16 - Hi Felipe, did you get help with your models?
Feb '16 - Hi Duc, did you manage to meet up with fellow hubbers? I might look you up next time im in town
Mar '16 - Hi James, I love doing props so definitely reach out and give me a call on 0488833388 to discuss the commission here is a free design that agaergirl ha...
Mar '16 - This months 3D Hubs will be held at the Melbourne mini Makerfaire, join us for a fun day of amazing events and if you can please bring down your 3d pri...
Feb '16 - Hi Maurice, did you manage to find someone to help you? it sounds like a very easy print
Feb '16 - its such a niche market, I think you need to buy it from overseas unfortunately http://www.wctek.com/shop/home/28-xyzerocart.html
Feb '16 - https://www.3dhubs.com/melbourne/events/3d-hubs-melbourne-meetup-0 Come meet other 3D Hubbers, join us for a tour of Collective Campus which is an open...
Jan '16 - did you get this printed Jason?
Jan '16 - Ewan, to help your hub ranking, add some photos to your hub