Hey Hubs and 3D Printing enthusiasts!
Please join us for a soon to be regular meetup to support
e-NABLE Melbourne hopes to spread the word about 3d printed prosthetic hands to the local community, and to provide help to those that need it
e-NABLE is a global network of volunteers who are using their 3D printers, design skills, and personal time to create free 3D printed prosthetic hands for those in need – with the goal of providing them to underserved populations around the world.
Agenda for the meetup
1. update on insurances
2. new hand designs
3. request for frozen hand design
4. request for sports attachement and design challenge
5. Vitamins and parts list discussion
As usual we are having a BBQ to start the meetup, come and have a (BYO) beer with the guys and chat about all things 3d printing, feel free to bring your projects / printers down to get some help
Our group buy filaments are available each month, please message me before (0488833388 / if you need any color of free samples, we have discounts from the following companies:
Aussie: Aurarum, Plastrude, Bilby3D, 3DFuel
International: Formfutura, Colorfabb, Proto-Pasta
Filament Recycling Project! Thanks for the awesome support, we are going to move ahead with the filament recycling project, if you want to work on this with us let us know!
Drop-off locations for recycled filament is at 275 Hampshire Road, Sunshine and the Kathleen Syme Library Maker Lab 251 Faraday Street, Carlton. So please don’t throw away your failed prints, give me a call on 0488833388 to organise a time to drop them off or you can always bring them into us at the next 3d Hubs meetup.