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Jul 2016

Hi All

What Slicing Software will allow me to add custom supports and select / identify the supports to be printed in a different material (soluble).

I am using a Duel head FDM machine.

Hope you can help

kind regards


hi simplyify 3d will do it but you can split the print into two shells or the same way you do two colour print and use the other fillament for support material but you need mesh mixer or some thing like that rick

To expand on what 3dprintingguy has said, Simplify3d has the most and best settings.

You can deterimine angle of support, thickness, pattern, etc.

You can manually add or remove supports.

You can use the dual extrusion wizard.

You can use its presets for soluable supports.


this all well and good but what happens if he has not got $1.100.dollars to get it where you can do on free sites and use creatware ric

Simplify3D costs $149, not $1,100. Yes it’s not free, but if you want to have the most control of support structures and be able to edit just about everything about them, Simplify3D is the way to go. There is no other slicing program that comes close to Simplify’s capabilities with support generation.

Free slicers like Cura work fine for most prints, but Woz specifically asked about support generation for dual extruders.

Hi Rick

thanks for your reply

I have mesh mixer but new to that software

will look into simplify 3D for sure!



hi my mistake for some reason i thought it was that price good value then rick