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Jun 2016


I have a complex part to print.

I need a hand with this one - i dont think my fdm printers will do it.

I have the file in .stl and attached pdf of it.

Any advice on the best method to print a prototype appreciated.

Glenn - glenn.p1967@gmail.com
Shannon Pt1.pdf (119 KB)

Hi Glen, What problems do you envisage when printing this on your printers?

I don’t really see any issues apart from the support that you will have to clean up.

Hi Glenn, echoing what the others are saying, looks like a simple FDM print, if you have issues with supports, use a program like meshmixer (free) to manually set them up or use simplify3d (paid)

it might take you a couple of goes but its printable, post some picks of your first go if you need any extra help!