I have a complex part to print.
I need a hand with this one - i dont think my fdm printers will do it.
I have the file in .stl and attached pdf of it.
Any advice on the best method to print a prototype appreciated.
Glenn - glenn.p1967@gmail.com
Shannon Pt1.pdf (119 KB)
Hi Glen, What problems do you envisage when printing this on your printers?
I don’t really see any issues apart from the support that you will have to clean up.
I reckon it would print ok with support on most FDm printers - have you tried printing it? What was the result? What parts didnt work well? What makes you think your FDM printers won’t do it? What kind of strength does the customer need in the final product?
I’d suggest flipping it upside down and printing it an an angle. That way neither port will be perfectly aligned with the layer grain to improve the strength of the final part. Probably print 100% infill too.
Id suggest that if those pins on the side need to be load bearing to lock this part onto something else, that you replace them with holes in the side of the outer wall, and then add nylon or metal screws/pins in their place.
the problem - to me - is the supports. There are many internal that im not sure i could clean out. I havent tried printing - im just looking at the drawing and looking around the obj file.
I was thinking SLA or DLP - with the unused resin simply pouring out?
Ive not printed a part this complex.
I think you should give it a go. Your slicer program (which one are you using?) should provide you different options for support generation.
SLA will work, but the strength of the final part is not as strong as FDM. SLA is also much more expensive - resin is very very expensive compared to filament.
June 23, 2016, 2:00pm
Hi Glenn,
That should print fine on most printers with a decent slicer. I print threads on my printer all the time. SLA’s and DLP’s have very little mechanical strength, they look fantastic but don’t usually work as load carrying parts. This looks like something that needs to stand a load and not break. If you have any questions on how to best slice it or need it printed for you just let me know!
You could print excess stock and have the thread milled. I can do that for you if you’re interested, although it might be worthwhile machining the whole thing from stock if plastic isn’t the final material anyway. What are the thread dimensions?
Hi Glenn, echoing what the others are saying, looks like a simple FDM print, if you have issues with supports, use a program like meshmixer (free) to manually set them up or use simplify3d (paid)
it might take you a couple of goes but its printable, post some picks of your first go if you need any extra help!