I had an order today in which someone wanted something printed that is far too small for an FDM printer. I confirmed the listed dimensions were correct in case the file was uploaded too small, and when the customer got back to me and told me it was, I knew I would not be able to print the part.
I was about to decline the order but then I noticed that this would have a negative effect on my hub rating. Instead I have explained why my FDM printer is not suitable and suggested the customer seek a hub with a DLP/SLA printer, as well as gave suggestions for printers they should look for. I have not declined the order so I don’t get more
I’ve also had customers who have created multiple orders because they don’t know how to change parameters of the order (hidden on mobile version of the site) and have decided to create new ones instead. I’ve had to decline these orders because the customer has created a new order before by themselves.
I think it’s fair to say neither of these situations are a failure on my part, so why am I being penalised for these if I decline the orders?
This really shows a lack of insight from 3D Hubs as to how the platform is used, and also shows that the site is confusing for some to use.
How do I avoid being penalised for things like this?
TL;DR: Orders aren’t necessarily declined by the hub or the customer because of a fault on the hub. How do I prevent this from having a negative impact on my hub score or rating?
I agree. Similar issues have occurred on my hub. It seems overly complicated to have to get support folks involved for the situations you describe, which occur more often than 3D Hubs thinks, apparently! Either the customer or the hub should have a way to “cancel” an order rather than decline an order.
Hi guys, what makes you think Declines always influence your ranking negatively? The impact depends on the reason for declining. The reason will always be checked and confirmed by support and if outside your zone of control it should not impact your ranking.
@Filemon Regardless of why a hub declines an order, they should never be penalized. I don’t know how it currently works, but It shouldn’t matter what “reason” they pick, period.
Sure, maybe if they accept it and then have to get an admin involved to cancel it due to changing their mind because of time restrictions, but any other reason shouldn’t ever be penalized. This includes machines going down mid print for maintenance, shit happens. Its a computer.
In rules of business, never penalize a customer if you have to, including hubs who are helping you do business and doing all the dirty work while you nerds just collect on fees most of the time
I have to disagree with the part about machines going down mid print…
I work in manufacturing as my day job and do 3D Hubs personally as a side job.
- If your machines go down in manufacturing. its 100% your fault as a company not the customers, if they get upset that’s your problem. Machines have to be in good maintenance at all times and if they are and they still go down you have to go the extra mile to get them repaired and back up and running ASAP with as little impact to the customer as possible and when there is you go the extra mile to make sure you expedite to make up for it with no additional charges. Many orders you accept in manufacturing have unreasonable delivery dates but you still make it happen if you accepted the order. Some orders even have legal binding clauses that if you don’t meet the due date and don’t notify them ahead of time, they can sue you and this is something you -accept- in the clause of there purchase order.
As for declines for the customer sending you work that just isn’t even possible on your printers, yes i totally agree we should never be penalized for that part. Its not our fault that the customer sent in a order request that basically is only possible with resin or commercial grade printers and all your offering is makerbots, ultimakers and taz’s. That’s their problem not yours, as long as you didn’t accept it first…
Oh, after a 10 hour long day of trying to answer everyone’s questions it’s just so lovely to hear that I am just one of the nerds that “sit and just collect the money”.
@Arnoldas Oh, dear. I never said that your team didn’t do anything, nor was it implied that you just “sit and collect money”. I’m sorry you took it that way, it was not my intention. I believe that the 3DHubs support team is fantastic and answers questions and is helpful in every possible way.
There has been an ongoing problem with 3DHubs transparency in regards to changes and how things are ran (hub rankings are calculated, major changes that effect Hubs) with little to no insight in the past. Getting an explanation as to why a design decision was made for specific things is a headache and it is just something that is a frustrating situation for some Hubs. Sometimes it feels like we’re penalized as Printers/Makers more than rewarded with changes that are made, and it shouldn’t feel like that.
Again, sorry you took it the wrong way. Love 3DHubs and the team. Don’t be sad. <3
@JATMIN I have had instances where my bot has literally caught on fire. Twice. I’m not speaking about “oh my machine is down due to a printer head jam”, I’m talking about “holy crap where is the fire extinguisher” type of situations.
I have seen shrapnel fly and forged heat treated solid steel control arms (diameter of 3-6") snap in half like toothpicks. Which resulted in sourcing parts from another country with a delivery window under 3days. Overnighting a 800lb pallet from another country is costly.
The point I was trying to make is machine issues can never -ever- be an excuse to point fingers.
I would also worry about your 3dprinter if its busted into flame… I never even seen smoke and I been printing 2years now.
@JATMIN This is a community hub and most of us here are hobbyists. We’re not industrial companies who can afford to have that stuff happen to them. I think that its great you have the liberty to afford an overnight, sourced part, but most people here struggle enough living paycheck to paycheck and are unable afford to that. When our bot goes down, it goes down for a good 2 weeks or more. Nobody is pointing fingers, but machine issues certainly can be used as an excuse because shit certainly does happen to retail bots these days ie) FlashForge, TAZ, Ultimaker. These are all consumer bots with all good reasons saying not to leave your bot unattended.