Hello Perth community,
this is the first job I have ever decided to get done.
I want to print some rigid light weight rollers as a 3D printed substitute for foam rollers such as the ones found on this website www.blackroll.com.au
Which printable material would be the safest (i.e., least toxic, low-emissions, safe for prolonged skin contact) and most suitable.
Hi Sean, I would suspect that the cost of 3D Printing something that large would far out weight the cost of
the foam rollers. If, on the other hand you were creating something really unique, then 3D printing could
be used to produce some prototypes which you could then get cast into a low cost alternative.
I am interested mostly in making something like this first, its basically two 4cm radius spheres so total volume is around 600cm^3.
What would the rough cost of that be?
I was not sure of what material to use so i am not sure which printer to use yet?
What material would you think would be the best substitute for hard foam?
Which printer would be best suited to that?