Come meet other 3D Hubbers, join us for a tour of Collective Campus which is an open innovation hub helping organisations stay competitive in an age of rapid disruption, general catch up and discussions about 3d printing (bring your printers and parts if you need any help!).
We have a speaker lined up for the night, Hans Chang, founder of Protoworks, will be talking about his 3D printing workshops and the importance of being a lifelong learner. He will also have demonstrations of the NVPro printer, which promises to be eye opening for us as the machine promises full automation, it allows 3d printed jobs to be queued, printed and removed from the print bed automatically.
Our filament sponsor for the month is 3d Fuel! they produce awesome high quality Algae and advanced PLA filaments and I will have some prints I’ve made with it on display, and if I have spare filament I will be doing sample packs to give away as well!
Discount filament, starting this month we will have group buys of filament! I will bring some rolls down but please message me if you have a specific color order
- Aurarum filaments will have a 10% discount
- Libina filaments will have a 25% discount
- Colorfabb filament will have a 20% discount and shared shipping
- other filament suppliers are signing up in the coming months
Filament Recycling Project! Thanks for the awesome support, we are going to move ahead with the filament recycling project, if you want to work on this with us let us know!
We will have permanent drop-off locations for recycled filament at my office in 275 Hampshire Road, Sunshine and the Kathleen Syme Library Maker Lab 251 Faraday Street, Carlton. So please don’t throw away your failed prints, give me a call on 0488833388 to organise a time to drop them off or you can always bring them into us at the next 3d Hubs meetup.
We will have pizza on the night (looking for a sponsor!) and as always feel free to byo drinks!)
Hope you can join!
Feb '16last reply
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