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21 / 23
Dec 2016

This is correct and a limitation of our current system unfortunately.

However, a clear benefit of the program is that the amount of Hubs participating is limited. So, in your area, it’s save to assume you always rank on top, or at least in the top 3. A good percentage, I expect >70%, of students in your area landing in the checkout will end at your Hub

@Filemon I’d really love to give a referral to the student program that goes directly to my hub. Can we make this happen?

9 days later

I have gotten a few student orders under the new program and am only netting 66.5% of the total order compared to the usual 85%. I am happy to give this program a shot but I’m not sure its quite worth it.

I am located in the middle between 3 different universities and the bulk of my orders has come from students already. So its hard to figure out whether the new orders are due to the new program. The difference however between the usual 85% to 66.5% is quite a large chunk especially when doing large 10 hours prints.

Its also hard to justify opting out of the new program as i would lose most of my customer base since the original “15% off student program” has been discontinued. So its now a choice between getting no student orders whatsoever or earning 66.5% of the revenue and get one or two thirds of the student orders in comparison to the old program where i still had 2/3 of the student orders but got to keep 85%.

I thought 3dhubs was taking the hit… wasn’t that originally how it was explained? earning barely more than half the order total is quite a hit… especially if your running barely above costs.

the old program with the 15% off 3dhubs took the hit. But the new opt in program, the hub takes the hit.

8 months later

It was explained to me as 3D Hubs takes the hit but now I understand what is happening and I have just lost $40 on an order :frowning:

If I were I hub I would opt out I will most likely do this once I finish this order.

3D Hubs: It’s cool if you want to do this I even greatly appreciate it, but don’t make the Hubs take a big hit it makes it hard to be in the business.


$40!? What the heck? What was the order value??

It’s not just the hub that takes the hit 3D Hubs also looses some itself. It’s the price you for joining the student program which is optional

I know the feeling. I get mostly student orders where i am located and feel the burn. I ofcourse want to support the students but it comes to about 34% after 3d hubs takes their cut. I would be fine loosing 25% if it includes the 3d hubs fee because the hub hit is much larger than 3dhubs hit.

This is my first student order on the platform (I mostly work with Goverment, inventors and other adults) and I promoted it a bunch at my school and I think I would be much more incentivized if 3D Hubs brought down their service fee across all orders once you give discounts to students which I saw was a suggestion above which would definitely make me stay in the program. I also want to add that when students need to bring something they need to print a lot which means that Hubs now have a Huge hit every time when it comes to students

5 months later

It would be great if we could set our own student discount-- or apply it to an add-on service, or even just cap it like 25% up to $10 off. I started with the discount but after getting slammed with student orders I’ve had to turn it off. 25% off is just too much.

2 years later

I believe that students must have discounts everywhere because students have little money because they have a small scholarship. Companies that are recommended by the site - https://essayexplorer.com/blog/how-to-do-a-close-reading/ 3 - have special discounts for students on writing papers and writing various reviews. These companies offer not only cheap services but also various discounts and promotions. Also on the site, you can read about close reading works!