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42 results for@karlzhao314 #3d-printers
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Mar '16
First and foremost, as TstarkEngineer said, this looks like a rather major case of underextrusion. You need to recalibrate your extruder Esteps/mm. I'v...
Oct '15
I can't really tell from the picture, but it looks like the part was originally designed to have 3 "fins" instead of a flat surface and 3 grooves? In t...
Oct '15
Hello, It sounds to me like either you have an offset configured in your slicer or you set your home offset above the bed at some point. Try doing this...
Jan '16
If any thermistor is reading 0 degrees, unless you're actually printing outside in 0 degree weather, that indicates that the thermistor's circuit is br...
Mar '16
Unfortunately, I don't see any Chinese printer being quite as good as the Zortrax M200. Chinese printers usually use barely-sufficient to mid-ranged pa...
Feb '16
I don't know specifics about the Alligator, but it looks to have a single DC bed output with a single MOSFET. That almost certainly won't be enough to...
Oct '15
Hello, Past avid builder of Prusa i3s, so hopefully I could give some useful input. Easily the best Prusa i3-based kit I've worked with is my own self-...
Apr '16
Seconded. 3DHubs' best 3D printer guide is one of the best sources online because of the huge population it draws from to make its decisions. Check it...
Apr '16
It was very much a legit offer: it was covered by a lot of 3D printing news outlets, and I even remember seeing it on their site at some point. Keep in...
Mar '16
Those look like fairly standard 40mm NEMA 17s. They're more or less the industry standard among consumer 3D printers and should suit you fine. Accordin...
Feb '16
I don't know about PETG specifically, but in general HIPS works well as a support material for a lot of plastics, particularly ABS, and PVA works well...
Nov '15
Hi, I've built two Prusa i3-based printers (one acrylic and one P3Steel). In my experience, what sets a specific Prusa i3 apart is build quality above...
Mar '16
Hi Brokkr! I have a fair bit of experience in RepRap and might be able to provide some info. (wall of text incoming) I'd recommend taking a serious loo...
Feb '16
The best and easiest way of implementing auto leveling is by using an inductive proximity sensor, such as the kind Printrbot uses on their printers. Se...
Mar '16
Extremely impressive. I knew Ultimakers were robust, but I never imagined they could print while being transported under no special care. I've always r...
Mar '16
Usually, cases like these aren't because their own filament is special in any way, but is instead that they can't guarantee the quality of any other fi...
Mar '16
To me it seems that instead of controlling DC motors with PWM (which would require encoders for feedback if you wanted any kind of precision, which wou...
Mar '16
MK8s don't actually have a better drive gear than MK7s: AFAIK they use the exact same one. The main advantage that MK8s have over MK7s is the lever idl...
Feb '16
It's extremely hard to get your chamber "too hot" for ABS. Stratasys FDM machines turn out excellent prints with ABS and have their chamber temperature...
Feb '16
Personally, I'd choose the Ultimaker any day. Genuine Ultimakers are built with precision, high quality parts and will last years without a problem. Di...
Feb '16
On the contrary, the MightyBoard accepts any voltage input from 12v to 24v. In fact, I've yet to see a single 3D Printer board that doesn't accept 12v,...
Feb '16
Hi Hubert, owner of two Prusas here. Personally out of all Prusa i3s I'm extremely partial to the P3Steel, so that's what I'll recommend. Acrylic and p...
Feb '16
With anything other than PLA, you'd probably need some other material between the glass and the print. Blue painter's tape works well for PLA. Kapton t...
Feb '16
A survey asking for reviews of your printers is sent out at the end of every year, to contribute to the next year's best 3D printers list. You missed i...
Feb '16
PLA temperatures vary pretty heavily by brand and color, but there aren't too many PLAs that print well under 180C or so. I'd go between 190C and 210C...
Feb '16
I just finished building one for my school and am starting my own build. It's a great design, solid and easy to work with. The main thing to watch out...
Jan '16
It doesn't look like too hard of a print, despite its complexity. It's just a lot of overhangs that interconnect with each other. Don't use support; as...
Jan '16
Excellent review! I feel kind of sad now-I was going to build myself an Ultimaker 2 Aluminum Extrusion , but th...
Jan '16
Personally I wouldn't go for a Zortrax (more of a RepRap guy myself) but I have to say I'm extremely impressed by the fact that you've actually found c...
Jan '16
This looks like a good design, but I don't see how this could bring FFF/FDM up to par with SLS or SLA. There are already extruder designs that exist th...
Jan '16
I focus on speed first and foremost, reason being that often I'm on an extremely tight schedule and have deadlines for functional prints. Accuracy and...
Jan '16
Hi Frase, glad to see someone else getting into 3D printing! The Buccaneer doesn't really have a great reputation due to its botched Kickstarter reward...
Oct '15
Hi, Reprapper here: You're calibrating steps/mm, right? If so, don't use the archaic method of printing a piece, measuring the dimensions, and calculat...
Oct '15
Hi clay, Stepper motors dying aren't unheard of, but in my experience it's much less common than simply blown stepper drivers. Have you checked the ste...
Oct '15
Have you tried removing the motors and seeing if they turn? I've actually had similar issues, but mine were because my acceleration was set too high so...
Oct '15
Hello, So you're saying the printer operates normally when you are leveling the bed, but not when it's printing? In that case, it's most likely a slice...
Oct '15
Hi, If you're just getting started in 3D printing I'd highly recommend against any Delta printer, as Deltas have a very specific set of advantages that...
Oct '15
Seems rather obvious, but within Print Settings > Multiple Extruders, did you set your Support Material Extruder to 2?
Oct '15
The Fantasy Pro II is not a Makerbot. There's nothing even vaguely associating the Fantasy Pro II with Makerbot, really; it's very much ECubMaker's own...
Oct '15
Prusa i3 designs in general are fairly reliable and well-performing. This is one of the Chinese variants, and I've had good experiences with them. Howe...
Oct '15
This could very well be it. There have been a lot of users reporting that curling PLA is a bigger issue with smaller layer heights than larger layer he...
Oct '15
If the motor clicks even when pulled out of the extruder, it's likely either jammed internally (bad) or the stepper driver is providing too low of a cu...