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Apr 2016

Nice to hear that. I nice to hear that their mail worked out for you. For me it took several weeks after offer end before I got the answer!

Hello I’m Cristian, work with zortrax for some time and I have to say that a large very precise printer can make pieces of mechanical and other printers that I use was not possible, if I can give you some advice on printers that are marketing the zortrax is the best depends on what use you make, whether professional or amateur, “hobby” if the answer is professional then you should opt for zortrax.
I hope to be proved helpful.

Hi Anders

A quick response to your points.

I confirm the offer was very real. We’re a Zortrax reseller and were seriously tempted by it. The offer was only for a short time though.

The customer services is very good, quick and responsive. And there’s lots of helpful information on the support pages and forums.

There was a “bad patch” recently when it took longer than usual to get responses, but that seems to be over now and I notice Zortrax have become much more active again.

And yes, the printer is really worth the money, we have 3 of them which are used all the time, and really we’ve got no plans to buy anything else. It’s about as Plug and Play as you can get for a 3D Printer, with consistently excellent results. For alternatives look at the 3DHubs Trends and Printer guides. Just be clear on what you want to do with the thing and how much you want to tinker.

Not a hoax! I bit and got my 2nd m200 with tons of filament in March. Awesome deal! Their CS is a bit slow but I normally go through Octave3D for repair and other things as they are local to me. My advice is bite on the offers but make sure you have someone to turn to locally for help.

Hello RayBan,

No, it is not a hoax. It was very legitimate offer. They had several “specials” this year. They are riding very high with their printers and I’m using 5 of M200 in my daily operation. My longest print took 64 hrs without problems. I’m running them through UPS to ensure power quality.

My company was so impressed with M200 that we become reseller and service place for Zortrax for entire South East and South of USA. We have printers in schools and companies from Lousianna to New Jersey. We trust printers so much that wew are givng 2 years extended warranty for small fee for every printer purchased from us.

Our web site www.paliproto.com

I can assure you that you cannot go wrong with Zortrax M220. And if they are slow to respond, please call us at 678-560-3739 or send emai. We are responding in 24 hrs the latest, sually next business day. In emergency we can respond in 4 hrs.

We are also very active 3D Hubs member and you can contact us this way too.

Happy 3D printing




Hi Kuba!

nice to hear IT worked out for you.

But unfortunatly for me IT seems to be a hoax anyway. I was unsure whether they would ship to me so I wrote to them a week before offer ended, but I never got an answer. The offer was like buy filament for 2200€ and get the 2200€ m200 for free.

Now months after I get a mail saying that they have had huge problems With Their mail but now i get 20% off IF i buy filaments for that. 440€ off IF i spend them.

So using them for serious printing makes me doubt! IF they have internal problems and I as a customer have to pay the price dont sound too good!

what do i say to My customers?

i Will check your page but IT is too expensive for me to buy from the states. I have to pay taxes twice then :frowning:


if you believe that it is hoax, nobody can change your mind, even

facts that I and other people used several of their specials this year.

Re: taxes, I don’t understand what do you mean by “paying tax twice”

. Out of states purchases are generally tax exempt and if you buy

directly from them they will not charge you VAT there either.



No I know now that several got the offer and was legit.

But not for me since they had problems answering mail etc.

Ok so you can sell IT without tax so I pay tax here?

when I talked to another company in the us some years ago they would chargé me us tax Even IF they send IT to europé. Therefore tax two Times!

Dear Ray Ban,

I understand that they had email problems, but they have intrnet shop you can establish user id and password and buy directly.

Re taxes:

where is your home as I’m confused with your tax explanation. Importing from Europe, you are tax exempt. Importing to US you are paying shipping cost and custom charges for shipment, based on Invoice value. Some items are custom tax exempt. If you are comimg to my studio and buying “stuff”, you are taxed 6%, but if you are bying from out of locality through our web request, there is no sales tax. Unless your States is the one taxing you up to eye balls. We need to start where is your home address?


