I am building a 3d printer as a tool for metal working and casting. I plan to do lost PLA/ABS casting by using 3d prints as an investment for a negative mold. I am a hobbyist and am trying to do this in the most cost effective manner. I am building my printer chassis out of 1.5x1.5 aluminum T-slot extrusions. The body itself is not a challenge, but the linear bearings are ridiculously expensive. For anyone who does not know, they are c channel aluminum that has been machined out to allow for mounting points on the outside. On the inner walls of the c channel they mount the same material as a kitchen cutting board. It is a “self lubricating” plastic that allows for smooth movement without bearings. I have done very limited searching on Thingiverse for any open source parts that would help me avoid paying 100 dollars per side of my z axis to get solid reproducibility. I have been researching _V Track_ systems as well. They are all 3d printed wheels that ride along the outer diameter of the track and can be attached to a 3d printed ABS mount. If ANYONE has built one of these themselves or has printed parts please let me know. I would love to place an order on here as well as to get some feedback.
A few disclaimers, yes, I am a tinkerer and a hobbyist. I built my own metal melting foundry and do welding and a few other things. I know what building your own printer entails and I am not daunted in the least by the challenge. I appreciate your concern, but it is not relevant to my line of questioning so please don’t waste any space below to warn me about things I already know. I have put three months of sitting behind a keyboard looking at price points, kits, DIY, youtube, reprap, prusa, you get the idea. I am extremely excited about this project! I am going to include a pretty extensive list of links so you get an idea of where I am as of now and what parts I am looking at having reproduced. I have never worked with a 3d printing service before, however, I do realise the cost of doing business. I’m looking to cut costs from 300 dollars for mounts and plates to around 100-125 by having them 3d printed. I am in no hurry here guys. Thank you for your time and I appreciate you reading this far. Now for the links:
1 motor mounts for NEMA 17 http://www.amazon.com/Anycubic-Mounting-Bracket-Stepper-Motor/dp/B0154MHW1S/ref=sr\_1\_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1457632023&sr=8-3&keywords=nema+17+motor+mounts
2 t slot linear slide bearings I found these from the same guys I bought my extrusions from, these are a polyurethane part, most likely injection molded but I am not sure. They are crazy expensive and I will be needing two of these for the 1.5x1.5 extrusions. These are not made with the cutting board material mentioned above, just found them http://www.amazon.com/Faztek-Double-Flange-Bearing-Extrusions/dp/B008MQ9WUS/ref=sr\_1\_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1457632575&sr=8-3&keywords=t+slot+linear+bearing
3 I am planning on keeping the gantry weight down by using a stepper motor on top of the entire assembly and feeding the filament through a tube down to the hot end. I forge the name for the type of set up, but I need a mount for the top stepper motor as well.
4 I will need an enclosure for the linear bearings that roll along the 8mm chrome rod. This link is to the thingaverse page a gentlemen put up. He uses the exact same build I have envisioned, I only wish I had found his page earlier! Would have saved me a ton of time in materials research. Again, I am inexperienced with thingiverse so if everything you need is there then please let me know. I am Not sure of the size he used for the extrusions. Profabb GATE LE - 3D printer from U-Design by dvjcodec - Thingiverse 3
5 These are the wheels I referred to that ride along the “V” shaped channel along the outer diameter of the channel. I would prefer these for the linear motion as I fear that even ABS will wear out with the contact slides sold on amazon. Profabb GATE LE - 3D printer from U-Design by dvjcodec - Thingiverse 3
If you have any other questions or need info please let me know. I will be here to check things out daily at noon. Appreciate any input guys, thank you
Mar '16last reply
Mar '16- 9
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