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Feb 2016
1 month later

Sorry for the lack of response! (For the record, I wrote this post out 3 times now but the site refuses to post it, and then just refreshes and undoes all of my typing…) I’ve made some headway on this topic and wanted to get back to you all, as well as ask for more advice.

So I’ve actually managed to mount the inductive sensor onto my printer, as well as wired it up and have it working as a z end stop switch now, but still have a couple problems.

Problem 1: Whenever I home all axis, or at the beginning of the print when the print tells it to, the X axis as well as the Y axis home, but this leaves the Z end stop switch, or rather the induction sensor, above mid air. This is a real problem as now the sensor has nothing to tell it to stop moving with and if I dont stop it manually it would just go down until the point where it broke my printer. I’ve tried looking into changing the firmware or the EEPROM and many other solutions but to no prevail.

I’m currently using Repetier host as my slicing software instead of cura which I normally use (I’m just using the cura engine in repetier) As this seems to actually be capable of connecting with my printer.

Picture of my printer with the induction sensor:
I bought it off ebay for 2$, seems to do the trick.

Problem #2: I actually can’t seem to get it to do the auto bed leveling. I know I found some setting in repetier yesterday what was labelled “Auto Level” and had two possible values, 0 for inactive and 1 for active. So I switched it to active but it doesn’t seem to have had an impact. I know some people online say change the start gcode to adding lines like 29 or 32 or whatever they are, but none of them have worked thus far.

My Motherboard:
Melzi board V3.0 with the default firmware on it (Sorry for the blurry picture)

Please, if anybody has any information about what I may possibly be able to do for this, let me know! I plan to make a tutorial video when I go to do this to my other printer that way the next person to upgrade this exact printer won’t have to go through what I did!

My Inductive sensor: