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Apr 2016

Hi! im completely new to 3D printing, and I am looking to buy my first printer. I am looking to spend at most 1000$- any recommendations?

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    Apr '16
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The 3Dhubs 3D printing guide is a pretty good place to start. Best 3D Printer Guide 2023 | Hubs 1

Personally as a starter project I really like the Prusa i3 Steel and putting it together myself. Most basic kits (we got ours for $500) don’t require any soldering and it gives you a good basic knowledge of the different parts of a printer (and it’s fun to do).

Seconded. 3DHubs’ best 3D printer guide is one of the best sources online because of the huge population it draws from to make its decisions. Check it out and decide what you want.

I would consider the Printrbot Play as one of the best options for beginners right now because of its low price, quality (both print and build), and ease of use, but sadly it wasn’t released in time for enough Hub owners to get one that it could make the list. It might be worth checking it out as well.

I run 4 different printers,2x Delta G2s pro, QIDI, CTC,and a form2,

The Delta G2s are a pain to assemble, but well worth the effort! they will print polycarbonate stock! but the firmware and different programs are a nightmare to set up for a beginner although forcing one to learn before they can print. I had a ton of fun building first one but 11hrs conservatively !

The ctc is a cheap clone of a clone…every nut and bolt was loose, no inclosed chamber and a machine that forces you to learn as it requires fine tuning and a lot of replacing worn parts …plastic gears ect… grab you a few extra thermocouples and plan on fighting the firmware until you reflash sailfish…

Qidi for 650 om my gosh, I love this thing all metal frame,inclosed build chamber, It prints perfect straight from the box! It printed great straight from the box, Heavy duty cables running awesome sailfish 7.8 stock! I recommend this printer periode! 650 after shipping and prints like a dream. but it has ptf lined extruder and can only print material up to about 240 c befor you have failures, but can print flexfill abs pla no problem. also have cooling fan for pla.

QIDI!!! is what i recommend! customer service has been great as well!! sending me extra parts and allowing me to buy direct from manufacturer!