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Aug '18
Further to @wirlybird 's reply, also make sure you have the cooling fan turned off for the first layer. Run the z-calibration again and make sure you'r...
Apr '19
Hi @tekniksinc can you describe what state the printer is in when it stops? Is it making a noise (as though it's jammed)? Is the nozzle still extruding...
Apr '19
Hi @FormlabsDK very excited about this release, I've been waiting! One key question on my mind is how the resin cartridges and print beds are detected/...
Apr '19
Hi @devdeque I'd probably try printing with another material - PLA, for example. I know you need to print in ABS but printing with another material and...
Mar '19
Hi @diogomaniac I can't give you any definite choice, but I can say I've been very happy with my CR-10S so far. It's not perfect, but it does a good jo...
Jan '19
Hi @leejones15 that's certainly a mess! Further to wirlybird's comment, what slicer are you using? Does it have a default profile for the Sigma? Even f...
Jan '19
Hi @User_6914 looks to me like you don't have enough top layers. I usually aim for at least 1mm thickness for both top and bottom and/or 5-6 layers, de...
Aug '16
HI @Harisahmad , @MindFuLL I'm not sure the extrusion temperature is the problem - I print PLA at 217 all the time and it's fine - and Harisahmad has t...
Jan '19
Hi @john_d12 not sure what might have changed in recent models (my FF Pro is a couple of years old now), but I have a gcode file for levelling the bed...
Dec '18
Hi @armandoperez sorry I don't have an empty (or full) 300g reel, but I just thought I'd ask if you've included 750g reels in your app (like those from...
Dec '18
Hi folks, here's my experience unboxing and setting up my new Creality CR10S-Pro a week or so ago. Enjoy!
Oct '18
Hi @ashton_fora I'd respectfully suggest you need a lot more than "only" a shop in a good place and a full body scanner. If you're asking the questions...
Oct '18
Hi @hexbugspider PLA will probably need some "help" to stick to a glass bed, but it's one of the more forgiving materials in terms of bed adhesion so y...
Oct '18
Are we sure this was SLA/SLS? There are some pretty big layer lines visible. I'd have said FDM, personally, albeit a high-quality one. Can we identify...
Oct '18
Hi @Sam_Wyatt that is, without a doubt, the worst 3D print I've seen in a long time. It's so bad, it makes me think there's probably one single thing t...
Oct '18
Hi @achelp , as @Jory has said, shrinkage is not really machine-specific but rather the nature of the plastics used in FDM printing. FDM really isn't t...
Oct '18
Hi @Gabriel_107 are you printing these yourself or having them printed by a 3rd party? If printing yourself, what machine (technology) are you using?
Oct '18
My trusty 2016 FF Creator Pro is showing its age. With over 3200 hours on the clock, almost 9 kilometers of filament, the print quality and reliability...
Sep '18
Have you tried marking the position of the adjustment screws to see if they're actually moving? If they're not, something odd is happening. How close a...
Sep '18
Hi @emax16 have you checked the hotend and the nozzle? It's possible the extruder is having difficulty feeding filament because there's a blockage in t...
Sep '18
Are your 2nd (and subsequent) layer settings different from the 1st, fan, nozzle temp? Have you printed successfully with this filament before, and/or...
Sep '18
Hi @CaptainCEF it's not unusual to find PETG warping, it's usually less prone to warp than ABS, but it's still a possibility. PETG really likes an encl...
Aug '18
Hi @Odense3DPrint the problem with glass is (for me at least) that it's really only PLA that you can print directly, everything else will still need so...
Sep '18
Here's an odd one I've not seen before. I was printing the Faceless model ( ) and once the legs...
Sep '18
Looks like massive under-extrusion to me, so much so that I'd suspect it's not just the extrusion rate but possibly something else. What are your tempe...
Aug '18
Hi @Reta firstly, I'd be extremely wary of anything on Kickstarter. While some projects have ended producing decent machines that go on to sell and wor...
Sep '18
The Crealty CR-10s 3, 4 or even 5 springs to mind with 300x300, 400x400 or 500x500 print beds. It does lack many of your requested features, and I've n...
Aug '18
Hi @TAHammerton can you see whether the extruder motor and/or knurled wheel is turning? In other words, is the machine trying to extrude, but the filam...
Aug '18
Hi @MadamX it really depends on how hot the plug gets. PLA has quite a low glass transition temperature (the point where it starts to go soft and defor...
Nov '16
Moisture in the filament? How new is it, and how has it been kept dry?
Aug '18
Hi @User_1240 why are you steering clear of calling this a DLP printer? That's what it is, it uses a projected image rather than a laser, yet in your K...
Aug '18
Hi @Nolin it may well be that there's no perfect solution for this problem. FDM 3D printing has limitations, especially when combining some models and...
Aug '18
Stringing is often caused by too high a nozzle temperature (and/or retraction settings). 4.5mm retraction is really quite a lot (mine are typically nev...
Aug '18
How did the original surface fit if the screws are proud of the bed?
Aug '18
Hi @buckets an interesting project! I'm no expert, but I'd suspect it'll take more than simply 3D design skills to make a useful prosthetic. My first s...
Aug '18
Hi @wo4sunhao I'd agree with @Jeff_Johnson , don't go straight to buying a new printer under the assumption that there's something wrong with the N2, i...
Apr '18
Only seen the initial press releases on this and, other than the build area and the self-levelling (I thought the UM3 had this already?), it doesn't se...
Jan '18
Hi all, having got shot of my Form 2, I have a number of resin tanks and filled print trays that I no longer need. I also have one (1) unopened, sealed...
Jan '17
Hi @carlosap have you tried contacting your regular filament supplier? They may well be interested in taking them off your hands, heck, they may even p...
Dec '17
Hi @CRyan while the feel of a product can be persuasive (who doesn't like something that feels solid and well made?), at the end of the day it's print...
Jul '17
In common with, it seems, pretty much all the other replies, I'd say that if you want a reliable machine that'll produce great quality prints, then the...
Dec '17
Hi @zahn1 your shortlist is pretty much the same one I'd suggest, and all three printers are decent machines, so I think the final decision is going to...
Sep '16
Hi @Ernie_Prescott I've only had to level the bed when I've changed it; in two months of owning a FF Pro I've not seen the bed "drift" from its origina...
Oct '16
I have to say I'm not that impressed with what I've seen. The decision to go with two nozzles seems odd given that other manufacturers are looking more...
Oct '17
Hi @Thatzgacho1 if you're committed to using ABS only (and can I ask why?) then one major consideration is an enclosed print bed. ABS is very prone to...
Sep '17
@shahramrobotics although the spot size is 140µm, the laser can focus on any point on the print bed, down to about a 10µm precision, it's not a grid of...
Nov '16
My new PEI bed is working well and warp is a thing of the past, hurrah! However, as they say, I now have a new problem… Take a look at the bottom of th...
Aug '17
Hi @AppliedAdditive it just sounds like your nozzles are not aligned, as @MaceyTech3D says. It's easy enough to fix, and the right thing to do. A quick...
Dec '16
Hi @bobo123 I'll page @wirlybird as he has both FF Pros and Qidis…
Jan '17
Hi @jv550510 unless I'm mistaken, the Taz 5 has a minimum printing height of 0.075mm (75 microns); your settings screenshot shows a layer height of 50...