I recently bought a Tronxy p802m, but I am having some issues getting it to print well. I have attached an image of a Marvin I printed using simplify3d’s high quality pla preset.
October 24, 2018, 9:07am
Hi @Sam_Wyatt that is, without a doubt, the worst 3D print I’ve seen in a long time. It’s so bad, it makes me think there’s probably one single thing that’s very wrong, rather than there being several small things, if you see what I mean. The overall quality of the print is poor, but interestingly Marvin also seems to be misshapen, which suggests to me the issue is one of head position - that the nozzle isn’t where it should be at all times.
What is your belt tension like?
Have you ever printed something decent - even a test cube? Try printing a simple flat square shape about 50mm x 50mm x 1mm high. Are the edges straight?
Does the printer appear to be OK while printing or does it make odd sounds or appear to skip or judder, etc.?
Try moving the print head around manually to look for anywhere the mechanism might be fouling the structure, or cables being snagged.
I have only printed a few marvins so far, but my x belt tension is decent. However, my y belt has some slop. Could this be my issue? Anyways, I haven’t noticed any weird noises while printing and my x axis/y axis moves freely with the steppers disabled.
October 24, 2018, 1:06pm
I’d make sure the tension on both belts is correct (look online for guides), I’m wondering if the head/bed is skipping teeth back and forth to create Marvin’s odd shape. Do try printing a simple square (if you’ve no tools to make one, let me know and I’ll upload something) as this will help pin down movement issues.