Hello everyone.
I am new to 3d printing andI am having some trouble with my Borlee 60WF.
I have printed some small models that took 2-4 hours and wanted to print something bigger. The problem is that the print stops in random moments in every print. It can stop in 30 mins or 8 hours (the print I want is around 20).
Was printing with repetier host and a USB cable directly to the printer. Tried only through the sd card with no change. Tried to change the card. Still nothing.
I am using slic3r. The gcode file seems to have many more commands to run.
Hi @tekniksinc can you describe what state the printer is in when it stops? Is it making a noise (as though it’s jammed)? Is the nozzle still extruding plastic, but all in one place? Are the stepper motors very hot (be careful testing this!).
Try printing other objects to try and work out whether the stop point is a particular position in Z or after a specific time period.
Hello @cobnut and thanks for spending some time to reply.
The printer is on, the motors aren’t moving or making any noise, and the cooling fans are working properly.
Tried one other model and it stops after some time too, but not the same z, or same time period.
The extruder just stops on top of the model in random positions and it stops moving. In some of the prints (you can see it in the picture too) some plastic seems to be coming out for some time in the same place (top right corner in the photo).
You think the motors are getting for some reason hot?