I have a brand new FFPC with glass above stock BuildTak, clamps and a shim. If I level the bed, I do it with heated bed and extruder and a simple paper sheet. If I repeat the process, the bed is unlevel again. Sometimes I have time to turn the scews several times to make it level again. It seems like the machine ist unable to hit the same position at the Z-endstop twice. I could shorten the lever of the endstop a bit or exchange it for a Cherry switch. Did someone else encounter such problems?
I have an older FFPC without this issue.
i do not have the printer but does both have glass on top of the buildtak?
i just find it odd to have glass on top of the buildtak, seems a waste of buidltak
September 26, 2018, 12:24pm
Have you tried marking the position of the adjustment screws to see if they’re actually moving? If they’re not, something odd is happening. How close are the screws to their limit? I found a while back on my (2016) FFCP that I needed a bigger shim to allow for more range in the screws (this is a glass bed alone).
As @Odense3DPrint said, it’s a little odd to have glass on top of buildtak, not least because it’ll make it harder to reach a good temperature for the bed I’d imagine.
Thanks for your replies. Have you tried to remove the stock BuildTak? It’s a big pain. If you know how to remove it without scratching the heat bed, please let me know.
I will put a mark in the knobs, but I doubt they move between two leveling operations.
A couple things. Make sure the shim is not able to move at all. If it is not secured some it can move very easily.
Also make sure the end stop switch is not loose.
Heated bed is ok but nozzle is not necessary.
Always level with the nozzle you intend to use directly over the adjustment point/screw. Anywhere else is a waste of time so only check the level at the three adjustment points.
Make sure the nozzle tip is clear of any filament residue.
How is the glass “clamped” on? Metal clips, plastic?
September 30, 2018, 8:09pm
Thank you. I secured the shim using standard silicone glue. Now, I don’t have any more trouble. I think it moved. You can barely see what it is doing because of the housing. I had to remove the back side in order to secure it well.