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  • The winter holidays are almost here, and for some of us that means entering in full Do Not Disturb mode. Yeah! If you plan to take some well earned time off, then we strongly recommend taking your printers offline. Here’s why One situation that we regularly see on the platform is that a customer s…

  • Bonjour à tous, Il y’a dix jours nous avons eu le plaisir de nous retrouver au Mutualab, à Lille, un espace dédié au coworking doté également d’un maker space. Ce meetup était consacré à la discussion autour des nouveaux filaments ColorFabb (bamboofill, copperfill, XT, XT-CF20). Du Hub expérimenté …

  • Hey everyone! I’ve got great news! 3D Hubs is having a live stream session straight from our 3D Printing Lab in Amsterdam HQ! If you’re curious about what we do or if you have accumulated 3D Printing questions, come meet us at 4pm today! @victorp, our 3D Printing expert, together with me, from t…

  • Hello everybody ! We just launched our first event in Egypt about 3d printing and it’s of course with the help of 3D printing! I hope you can join us and print with yourself your 3d design and if you have any questions please fell free to ask. its on the 17th December in Zagazig University, for mo…

  • This is an RC car that has been modified to be an RC boat using 3D printing. For when you want an RC car and a boat but can’t afford both! (and are a 3D printing nerd) [Cover 1.JPG] The idea behind it was to keep the RC car standard and just add parts to turn it into an RC boat, but the parts had…

  • Hi Folks, In the spirit of a true 3D Hubs fanatic, I made a Voronoi Marvin just for the Holidays. This may be the first anti-radar, “see-through” Marvin in the World. Enjoy! [Marvin_Advanced_V01_voro_simplified_preview_featured.jpg] Best, Peter “Dr. Makemake” @3DHubs Toronto Mayor @makerwiz

  • The festive season is approaching fast and I expect we’re all starting to put up our Christmas trees and get things ready for family, fun, laughter, and good food. I thought I’d share what I came up with for Christmas tree decorations using 3D printing. [P1000085.JPG] I used OpenSCAD to quickly t…

  • Hey Guys, As we are approaching Christmas I modified Marvin slightly removing the keychain holder and giving him a nice Santa’s hat. I printed it in a single build once using a CubeX TRIO and PLA. No supports were used and the layer thickness used was 200 microns. [IMG_0331.jpg] To download th…

  • Just yesterday Zortrax had officially launched a unique 3D printing salon in Warsaw. Zortrax Store is a place for present and future specialists and designers where they will be able to learn more about 3D printing technology and see Zortrax products in action. Thanks to cooperation with universit…

  • Salut, En tant que Mayor, je vais bientôt organiser une rencontre 3d sur Paris et au lieux de deviner quoi faire, le mieux est encore de demander à tous les 3d enthousiastes de la region: Quelle rencontre thématique voudriez vous voir dans les prochaines semaines? Toutes les suggestions sont les b…

  • [3d hubs picks_2.png] By now, most of you have already heard of the most insane birthday cake out there: an Optimus Prime Transformer! Here’s a refresher (it’s worth watching again, even if only to see those 6-year old’s faces :slight_smile: ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtvTV-FrupU So we reached to Russ…

  • [lowpoly_starwars1.jpg] Happy #3DPrintingDay everyone! In celebration of this beautiful day our great friend @flowalistik designed two low-poly models based on the Star Wars universe. For all the people who haven’t stopped talking about Star Wars since Star Wars: Episode VII has been announced, t…

  • Hey 3D print fans! Now that our UltiMaker2 is working again and the new Builder has been installed we are preparing ourselves for Christmas! The first prints on the UM2 are simple snowflakes designed by Jon Monaghan that can be downloaded from Thingiverse. I’ve used peppermint-cream Faberdashery f…

  • Happy 3D Printing Day! And what an awesome day it is :slight_smile: Join us this afternoon, in between 3 and 6 pm, as we put up a solid 3D Printing Day party for your enjoyment. We’ll be 3D printing, chatting and then 3D printing some more :wink: Be sure to tune in to Periscope today, for the live-streaming from our …

  • Nous voici au premier Printing Day international ! L’occasion de découvrir l’impression 3D et les derniers matériaux disponibles chez www.Modellus.fr . Pour fêter cette première, Modellus vous offre 20 % sur toutes vos impressions et ce, du 03 au 10 décembre 2015 !!! L’occasion de faire plaisir ou …

  • This is my app: GCode Camera. search “GCode Camera” add print slicer arguments on photos very easy. if you like this app, please share it to your friend. thankyou. [2015-12-02 07.44.53.jpg]

  • Here is the essential guide for Christmas gifts. With 3D Hubs, we’ve collected 24 of the best 3D printed objects to give to friends and loved ones this holiday season. See something you like and don’t have access to a 3D printer? Simply hit the “Print via 3D Hubs” button. 3D Hubs also offer you a s…

  • This is the first post in a series of Talk posts about Selective Laser Sintering. Over the course of the coming weeks I will tell you all about this magnificent 3D Printing technique. This first post will quickly explain the Selective Laser Sintering process, followed by what SLS machines we curre…

  • Hey guys, a couple of minutes ago a mystery package from @ColorFabb arrived at my door. Since I hadn’t ordered anything, I was very curious about its contents. And after a close inspection it turned out that this was a kit sent out to me in preparation for the Global 3D Printing Day on Thursday! […

  • Hey guys! At our in-house 3D Printlab @3D Hubs, we have a couple of printers to experiment with. However our Ultimaker 2 only worked the first two weeks when I started my internship at 3D Hubs. I took the challenge to figure out what the problem was and see if I could get it fixed. By doing so I ga…

  • [ZBrush 3D Printing-01.jpg] Design for 3D Printing with ZBrush Zbrush is a digital sculpting tool by Pixologic. Compared to more traditional modelling programs, ZBrush is very different and for new users it can be hell to get started with (including me). As an Industrial Design Engineering stud…

  • We’ve all been there: you want to buy a 3D printer, but there’s a plethora of options out there, with different variations in price, build volume, printing time and so on. Most of you here on Talk must’ve noticed by now the frequency of posts coming from people who try to decide among various printe…

  • We’re just a few weeks away from the new The Force Awakens movie and you can almost feel the Star Wars madness taking over! Daredevil @victorp is already shimmying his way in the Printlab for some Star Wars 3D printed goodness. Remember the two legendary lightsabers made by @k5o52 (1st below) and @…

  • FELIXprinters is opening the doors on Thursday the 3rd of December during #3DPrintingDay! Are you interested in the story of the company, our 3D printers or the possibilities of 3D printing? Come visit us at our head office during the day of 3D printing. PS: it is also a great opportunity to see th…

  • I have had nothing but continuous questions at my day job, about all things 3D printing. What better way to help my co-workers understand and witness the printing experience than an actual devoted day!! My idea is simply to showcase the basics, but I would love to hear anyone’s ideas for how best t…

  • After just over a year from getting my UM2 and joining 3D Hubs I have to say it’s been a brilliant journey. From an expert 3D modeller but amateur printer, I have learnt everything I need to learn through a whole array of orders from scientific experiment equipment to prototypes to toys to very intr…

  • This week we announced our hosting the biggest celebration in 3D printing: the Global 3D Printing Day. We don’t want to blow our own trumpet, but we’re about to make history here, peeps :wink: For this, we invite you, our Hubs, to open your doors this December 3rd for a few hours to fellow makers. This i…

  • Do not through them in the bin. Make something with them and show them here. The Blob Monster. Made from 3D test prints, failed prints and leftovers. The name was given by my son when he said that he wants to make a Blob Monster with all these plastic. [IMG_8049.1.JPG] [IMG_8050.JPG] [IMG_8…

  • The SPARTANS collection: A mix of strength and elegance with amazing modeling skills. Add a few Spartans to your life. Our collection of SPARTANS features designs for your smartphone & devices, cool holders for your office and work space and so much more!! Find our awesome SPARTANS collection HERE

  • Venez rencontrer d’autres Makers au Startup Weekend Lille : Maker Edition​! [15860486083_54ebfd00df_k-1.jpg] Pour la première fois, 3D Hubs associe son nom à celui d’un Startup Weekend: l’édition Maker de Lille, qui aura lieu du 5 au 7 Février 2016. Les organisateurs et moi faisons appel à votre …