Love this kind of accessible DIY tips ! Thanks for sharing !
There are a bunch of option in S3D that just take over speed control, like minimum layer time. You probably want to check these. However the speed change shouldn’t impact the print ! Do you have a picture of the final print ?
It’s on @Cults : STL file Cromulon's Head・3D printer model to download・Cults
A good master I have. [yoda.gif]
Hey ColorFabb, I will
I was quite amazed at how the CraftBot handle your special filaments (Tried Woodffill, Bronzefill and Glow in The Dark so far). Never had a jam or a bad print. I think a stainless steel nozzle would be necessary if we want to print more of these though
Since I begin my internship at 3D Hubs I always wanted to learn how to use sculpting software like Z-Brush. Lucky I was to have a great sculptor working just next to me. After spending a few bucks in a Wacom tablet and being teached the Basics, I decided to give it a try on a simple model. I thin…
Hey everyone! 3D Hubs is having a live stream session straight from our 3D Printing Lab in Amsterdam HQ! If you’re curious about what we do or if you have accumulated 3D Printing questions, come meet us at 4pm tomorrow! @telma, @Dom1nic and @victorp will be introducing our lab and printers and ju…
@Margje_Teeuwen Contact me at victorp@3dhubs.com and we will arrange something !
Sure thing ! We have very good coffee in the office already, but we do love some sweets to go with it
That’s a cool idea for sure !
Hey Atom, nice to have you during Periscope
You can filter Hubs by specific materials under ‘More Filters’ ! But the ability to browse Hub regarding their badges is not on the roadmap I believe. What do you think would be the advantage of this feature ?
You can download NetFabb Basic (it’s free) to “Cut” the STL in different part. Then you can glue them together (I use Cyanoacrylate glue or Epoxy)
Very nice Stool ! And also very useful plugin
Hi Lucika, Netfabb is giving you the volume of the solid part. 3D Hubs calculate the volume of the sliced part (actual volume of plastic used), with 20% infill. That explain the difference seen in your screenshot. After double checking in Cura, I found the same volume as the platform for a 20% i…
Nice test !
Hey Ewan, I just checked and your Hub is indeed online and available (see screenshot). Is it also okay on your end ? cheers [Brisbane.png]
Amsterdam : UTC +01:00
Have you tried printing Marvin with different orientation ? Seems like you have a fan only on the right side of your extruder, try printing Marvin facing it
Hey everyone! 3D Hubs is having a live stream session straight from our 3D Printing Lab in Amsterdam HQ! If you’re curious about what we do or if you have accumulated 3D Printing questions, come meet us at 4pm today! @telma from the Community Team, together with me @victorp, your 3D Printing exp…
Hi Justyna, Here is a list of Hub near Barcelona that can help you with your project : You can contact them to talk about your project ! Good luck
Awesome initiative !
Hi David, Indeed full color sandstone is the only way to print in full color… for the moment
You can find Hub offering full color Sandstone on 3D Hubs : Here
Awesome work ! Thanks for sharing
Sick project !
Hey everyone! I’ve got great news! 3D Hubs is having a live stream session straight from our 3D Printing Lab in Amsterdam HQ! If you’re curious about what we do or if you have accumulated 3D Printing questions, come meet us at 4pm tomorrow ! I, @victorp, 3D Printing expert, together with @telma …
Amazing design ! Good luck for the contest !
Hi HanShotFirst, That’s such a cool present to make ! I’m printing the Storm Trooper helmet right now in 3D Hubs’s Lab as well ! 16 big parts and quite a lot of support, I still have to glue them together, sand and paint. Here is what I printed so far. It’s gonna look epic for sure
Hey @AtomJaay, nice to meet you through Periscope
Nice camera, do you have any pictures you took with it ?
Clean work as usual ! I think this is gonna end up in 3D Hubs office soon !
Carbon-Fiber-Low-Poly-Darth-Vader and Glow-in-the-Dark-Low-Poly-Storm-Trooper… What else ?
Mind Blown !