yeah thanks guys i fixed it i used ccleaner
i have the ctc printer and the new MakerBot is bad it won’t let me adjust the build plate temperature. Now i can’t print anything and all the other version won’t install dont no what i can do now
is it a full guide what value is the resistor
too hot i have a ctc makerbot clone with a homemade enclosure and i print abs at 205c with a fan on for small things and 210c for big and the bad at 100c to 110c and abs juice is amazing and for pla lower the bed to 40c to 50c and use a fan blowing at the nozzles works for me but you may have to twe…
my power supply is so noisy its driving me mad its that bad sounds like there is something stuck in the fan so I thought I would replace it but where do i get a good one ones on ebay are £18 but I have seen other ones on other sites that look the same I just want a nice quiet power supply that’s no…
no but there is a Trace that gose to a chip leg if you look the thing is i was looking for I was looking for tutorials on updating me printer and i found someome on redit saying the reset button time is bad and 6 hours is two long and someone sed put a cap on c20 and the timimg has no issues press 1…
i can see c20 on your pic
so I’ve been doing some research to get the reset button on the back working I have a picture of where the caps go I think will there be anybody to tell me if I’m right and if the value is right [ctc_mightyboard.jpg]
found this video - YouTube
the button on the back of the printer is not doing anything so will not update
I am wondering if i can update my firmware by soldering a arduino mega chip thats been flash with 7.7 with out bricking my printer has anyone tryed this
your lucky mate i blow the temperature sensor IC on my pinter i am lucky i can solder you have to be careful with these printers becouse there is no import protection and 24v is bad for 5v IC
this is what you need http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5Pcs-10-C-500-C-3D-Printer-Kit-K-type-Temperature-Sensor-Ring-150cm-59-1-/232050470361?hash=item3607492dd9:g:cEEAAOSwMtxXsyYF
that sounds bad its so easy to mess up card reader i did with my one had to buy a replacement one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/231978767836?\_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
if you want to print abs which is the most common plastic that we use today so to print it you need high temperature or your work pace wan’t stick
hi what is the best hairspray for 3d printers in uk keep peeing with cheap hairspray on big prints its driving me mad
sorry seal the door lol
what do you think about my door for my printer i used draught excluder got from ebay for £2.50 to sell the door works great for me this is the to cheapest way to make a enclosure seen them on ebay sell for £100 so this looks bad but works for me [100_1345.JPG] [100_1346.JPG]
magnets is a Great idea thanks
this is how i did it thanks for someone giving me a idea on here i used a 16 litre box cost me £7.49 from ebay [CTC top 1.jpg] [CTC top 2.jpg]
16l litre box from ebay but you have to cut it
hi am building a enclosure for my printer and i using a clear plastic storage box for the top i need to no if i need for exhaust fan or will i lose my temperature by having one [100_1338.JPG]
i no its a k type when it stops working or stops reading it makes a sound and tell you on the lcd error 4# this is what happend to me
what error on the lcd is it 4# or 1#
dose anyone no of a fix for Illustrator as when a save svg files thay are too big in 123d did adobe fix as am using a older version
hi how come you are looknig for a new board maybe can be repaied put a pic on of it
can I be honest with you if was me I don’t use anything on build anything that reliability just don’t think it would be reliable enough it is designed to have no load a lot of 3D printers are made of plastic so adding a load to will result in failure my you well get a week or 12 mouth but at some …
I didn’t imagine that the chassis would be strong enough but if you got it to work thats cool m8
what you wan’ting to cnc
there is only two size as 1.75mm 3mm of filament i have seen